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****Our field trip to Insta-Gator has been scheduled for Oct. 6th. Permission slips will come home soon. Please make sure to check your child’s Boomerang Folder for more information when it becomes available.


September 26-29, 2022 Friday is Parish Fair Day – NO SCHOOL

Study Guide Bible Lesson 8:  Joshua and Caleb Are Faithful   

Memory Verse: Joshua 1:7 Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go.    CSB

  1. Moses sent 12 spies to secretly explore Canaan’s land and cities.
  2. When the spies returned, they gave opposite reports. Ten of them gave a report filled with fear, focusing on the problems. Only Joshua and Caleb gave a good report, believing God’s promises in faith.
  3. When Joshua and Caleb tried to convince the Israelites that God would enable them to enter and possess the land, the people wanted to stone them.
  4. The 10 fearful and faithless spies immediately reaped the consequences of not trusting God by dying from a plague. The remaining adults in Israel were sentenced to delayed judgment by wandering and dying in the wilderness over 40 years for each of the 40 days the spies explored the land. Only the new generation would enter the Promised Land.
  5. God rewarded Joshua and Caleb for the strong resolve shown by their faith and convictions. They demonstrated leadership in the face of danger and opposition. God allowed them to live. Eventually they would enter and possess the Promised Land.
  6. A conviction means a very strong belief.
  7. Joshua and Caleb’s relationship to God developed strong convictions in them, which were more powerful than negative peer pressure.
  8. Joshua observed the Law, meditated on the Word day and night, and was careful to do everything written in God’s Word. God blessed him with great success in leadership.
  9. Eric Liddell, a Scottish runner and missionary to China, stayed true to his Christian convictions at the 1924 Olympic Games and won a gold medal in the 400 meters.
  10. God repeatedly encouraged Joshua with the phrase Be strong and courageous.
  11. Mediation is defined as focused thought about a subject.
  12. Some ways that people meditate on God’s Word include reading the Bible, thinking about verses, and writing verses.
  13. Like Joshua, all God-honoring leaders read, study, and follow what the Bible teaches.
  14. Being a leader of God’s people and fighting battles often requires the godly attribute of courage.
  15. God prepared Israel’s enemies to be conquered by causing their hearts to melt when they heard how the Israelites had crossed the Jordan River. They no longer had any spirit or courage.
  16. The Israelites built stone altars and memorials as reminders of God’s faithfulness.

Spelling Lesson List 8

  1. scald – to burn with hot liquid or steam
  2. ought – forced by duty
  3. foster – to nurse; to give or receive care  
  4. sought – to have looked and asked for   
  5. coffee – a drink made by brewing the ground seeds or a coffee plant
  6. saucer – a small shallow dish in which a cup can be placed  
  7. flawed – imperfect  
  8. naughty – not behaving; disobedient
  9. recalled – to have brought back to mind; remembered
  10. alternate – to take turns; rotate
  11. chalkboard– a dark colored surface for writing with chalk
  12. sepals – unique leaves that enclose the petals of a flower
  13. pistil – the part of the flower where the seeds are formed
  14. foliage – leaves, flowers, and branches
  15. stamen – the part of the flower that produces pollen
  16. botanist – a scientist who studies plants
  17. pollinate– to transfer pollen to the pistil of a flower
  18. fragrance – a pleasant smelling scent
  19. formal – following an established form, rule, or custom
  20. cautious– being alert to watch for danger; careful

Test Schedule

NO SPELLING PRETEST THIS WEEK – 4 Day Week- No school Friday

Math Chapter 2 Test Monday, September 26 Study Guide-Chapter 2 Review

Math Chapters 1-2 Test Wednesday, September 28 Study Guide Chapters 1-2 Review

Science Test Chapter 1 Test Tuesday, September, 27 Study guide posted on web page last week

Spelling: ListTest Thursday, Sept.29th Correct Spelling of Words

Spelling: List – Definitions Test Thursday, September 29th

Bible: Chapter 7 (Tuesday, September 27th) Study guide posted last week.

Read and Comprehend Cold Reads on Thursday this week!

Reading Vocabulary and Comprehension Test (Gold Mounted Guns) – Thursday, September 27th (vocabulary – Reading notebook)


Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)

Study for upcoming tests!

Read AR book for 20 minutes each night. 


Weekly Focus September 26-29

Bible – Chapter 8 Joshua and Caleb Are Faithful

Literature – Gold Mounted Guns; story element-conflict

English – Sentences and Sentence Parts Chapter 3

Math – Chapter 2 Test/Chapters 1-2 Test

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