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April 17th-21st

Bible verse    Lesson 31          Hebrews 10:24

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.


Spelling Lesson 31

List: 31

  1. rockets
  2. galaxies
  3. heroes
  4. glasses
  5. brushes
  6. switches
  7. sheep
  8. telescopes
  9. pennies
  10. mice
  11. women
  12. potatoes
  13. waltzes
  14. geese
  15. shelves
  16. knives
  17. moose
  18. indexes
  19. chapel
  20. famous


Test Schedule:


Social Studies: Chapter 5 (Friday, April 21st)

Spelling: List 31 (Friday, April 21st)

Bible: Chapter 31 (Friday, April 21st)



**Charlotte’s Web chapters 16-18 test will be the following week on Tuesday**




Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)


Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- pages 309-310 (pages will be torn out and placed in the homework folder)


Weekly Focus:

  1. Bible- Chapter 31 Paul’s Third Journey Important vocabulary: endure- remain faithful during hardship. riot- a noisy disturbance caused by a crowd of people
  2. Reading- Charlotte’s Web– read Chapters 16-18
  3. English- Chapter 16 writing a business letter, parts of a business letter, envelopes
  4. Math- Chapter 11 Decimals: decimal place value, tenths, hundredths
  5. Social Studies- Chapter 5 Louisiana Becomes a State

Important vocabulary: territory, legislature, industry, cash crop













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