Bible verse    Lesson 29   Lesson 29 John 11:25

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will have life, even if he dies.


Spelling Lesson 29

List: 29

  1. mostly
  2. penniless
  3. beautiful
  4. happiness
  5. wavy
  6. shaky
  7. fearlessness
  8. quickly
  9. spotless
  10. darkness
  11. forgetful
  12. suddenly
  13. windy
  14. lazily
  15. careless
  16. graceful
  17. friendly
  18. peaceful
  19. away
  20. soldiers


Test Schedule:

Bible: Chapter 29 (Friday, April 22nd)

Spelling: List 29 (Friday, April 22nd)



Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)


Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- practice speed drill (set the timer for 2 minutes)

Weekly Focus:

  1. Bible- Chapter 29 Easter
  2. Reading- Charlotte’s Web novel study Chapters 16-18
  3. English- 3 paragraph essay
  4. Math- Chapter 9 Measurement
  5. Science- Chapter 12 The Musculoskeletal System









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