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April 26-April 30

Bible verse: Hebrews 10:36

You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what he has promised.


Spelling List: 32

List: 32

  1. taken
  2. broken
  3. cousin
  4. open
  5. lessons
  6. bacon
  7. buttons
  8. gallons
  9. eleven
  10. robin
  11. human
  12. common
  13. glisten
  14. sunken
  15. heavens
  16. frozen
  17. person
  18. happens
  19. sight
  20. expect


Test Schedule:

Science: Chapter 11 (Wednesday April 28th)




Math: Chapter 10 (Thursday, April 29th)


Bible:  Chapter 30 (Thursday, April 29th)


Spelling: List 32 (Thursday, April 29th)


Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 13-15 (Thursday, April 29th)


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (math homework will be graded) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

  • Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished. Please keep track of the books read at home on the sheet located in the A.R. folder.
  • Math- Speed drill- please set a timer for 3 minutes
  • Study guides: science, and math

**study guides go home throughout the week**


Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Paul’s Two Missionary Journeys, vocabulary- journey and persevere
  • Reading- Charlotte’s Web- Chapters 13-15 (cause and effect)
  • Math- Chapter 10 Fractions- fractions on a number line, fractions in a recipe, probability
  • English- essay writing (narrative) adding dialect or conversation- using quotation marks
  • Science- Chapter 11 Astronomy- stars, constellations, and galaxies

One Comment

  • Leah Hess says:

    Just wondering if the Science quiz will be open book and on vocabulary only? Also, what is the reading test on? Do we have new vocabulary words or is it just a comprehension based test?

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