May 15th-19th Mrs. Aimee Kidder May 15th-19th **Elementary Award Ceremony- Friday, May 19th (STUDENTS MUST WEAR UNIFORMS) Test Schedule: Math: Chapter…Aimee KidderMay 15, 2023
May 8th-12th Mrs. Aimee Kidder May 8th-12th Bible verse: 2 Peter 1:3 Jesus has the power of God. His power has given…Aimee KidderMay 5, 2023
May 1st-5th Mrs. Aimee Kidder May 1st-5th Bible verse: Matthew 28:19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. …Aimee KidderApril 28, 2023
April 24th-28th Mrs. Aimee Kidder April 24th-28th Bible verse Galatians 6:9 We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive…Aimee KidderApril 21, 2023
April 17th-21st Mrs. Aimee Kidder April 17th-21st Bible verse Lesson 31 Hebrews 10:24 Let us think about each other and help each…Aimee KidderApril 6, 2023
April 3rd-6th Mrs. Aimee Kidder April 3rd-6th Bible verse Lesson 30 Hebrews 10:36 You must hold on, so you can do what…Aimee KidderMarch 31, 2023
March 27th-31st Mrs. Aimee Kidder March 27th-31st Bible verse Lesson 29 John 11:25 Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and…Aimee KidderMarch 24, 2023
March 20th-24th Mrs. Aimee Kidder March 20th-24th Bible verse Lesson 28 1 Chronicles 16:24 Tell the nations about the Lord’s glory. Tell…Aimee KidderMarch 17, 2023
March 13-17 Mrs. Aimee Kidder March 13-17 Bible verse Lesson 27 Isaiah 1:18 “The Lord says, “Come, we will talk these things…Aimee KidderMarch 10, 2023
March 6-9 Mrs. Aimee Kidder March 6-9 **Our field trip is March 28th** Bible verse Lesson 26 Romans 8:18 We have…Aimee KidderMarch 2, 2023