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February 13-17, 2023

By February 12, 2023Mrs. Kathryn Milton

February 13-17, 2023

Study Guide                                         

Bible Lesson 22: Absalom Rebels against David

Memory Verse: Hebrews 3:12 Watch out, brothers and sisters, so that there won’t be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.   CSB

February 13-17, 2023

Study Guide                                         

Bible Lesson 22: Absalom Rebels against David

Memory Verse: Hebrews 3:12 Watch out, brothers and sisters, so that there won’t be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.   CSB

  1. Rebellion refers to an act of opposition or an uprising against those in authority.
  2. Conspiracy is defined as a secret plan to commit a crime or wrongdoing.
  3. Absalom, King David’s son, won Israel’s allegiance and ultimately stole the people’s devotion to God. This grew into a conspiracy to take his father’s kingdom.
  4. Although Absalom and those around him proclaimed him to be king of Israel, God had not chosen him as king.
  5. Absalom led a failed battle to try to kill his father, David, in which 20,000 men died.
  6. As Absalom fled the battle in defeat, his hair became caught in the branches of a tree, and Joab, with 10 of his men, killed Absalom.
  7. A godly father should respond to a rebellious child with loving discipline.
  8. Five of Absalom’s negative character traits were being hateful, unforgiving, disloyal, overly ambitious, and conspiring. These negative character traits were also sources of rebellion in his life.
  9. Absalom demonstrated his character flaws by bringing hateful and unforgiving to his brother, being overly ambitious by conspiring against his father and god, and being disloyal to King David and God.
  10. The cause of Absalom’s failure was a rebellious, wicked heart.
  11. Once a pattern of rebellion forms in a person’s life, it must be broken, or there will be severe consequences.
  12. Four steps to break the patterns of rebellion are to trust God, to memorize Scripture, to serve humbly and to think rightly.
  13. Satan uses every means possible to try to prevent the purposes of God.
  14. The name Satan means adversary.
  15. An adversary refers to an enemy, or one who opposes or fights another.
  16. Satan’s rebellion and Absalom’s sinful actions were similar in that both were attractive, both conspired to take over the throne, both were deceptive in convincing many to rebel with them, both had a problem with pride, and both failed. They both acted on their own selfish impulses, rejecting authority, including God.
  17. When people are not content with God’s plan for their life, it can lead to open rebellion and direct disobedience against God, leading people to act more like Satan than like Christ.
  18. David had the right to demand submission from Absalom, because David was both Absalom’s father and the king of Israel.
  19. Revenge shows a belief that God cannot or will not properly take care of the matter. It is rebellion to ignore God’s instruction.
  20. Vengeance belongs to the Lord (Romans 12:17-21).
  21. When it comes to dealing with revenge, Christians must trust completely in God to do His work in His time and way.

Spelling Lesson 23

exports – sends things out from one country into another country

exchange – trade

expression – a word, sign, or phrase that represents a feeling

impolite – rude; not polite

imperfection – a defect, flaw, or blemish; not perfection

imports – bring things into one country from another country

inactive – idle; sluggish; not active

incapable – lacking ability; not able to do something

incomplete – unfinished; not complete

nonsense – word or actions that have no meaning or are silly and foolish; not sensible

nonfiction – something told or written that is factual; not false

thorax – the middle section of an insect’s body

species – a category or kind of animal

antenna – one of a pair of sensory organs on the head of an insect

abdomen – the third section of an insect’s body

segmented – divided into sections or parts

invertebrate – an animal that does not have a backbone

bilateral – relating to two sides

exoskeleton – the hard, outer covering of an animal

informative – full of news and facts


Test Schedule February 13-17, 2023

Spelling Pretest – No spelling pretest this week

Bible: Chapter 21 (David Sins) Test – Tuesday, February 14

Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story comprehension Friday, Feb. 17

Spelling Definition Test – Friday, Feb. 17

Spelling Word Test – Friday, Feb. 17

Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, Feb. 17

Social Studies – Thursday, Feb. 16 Chapter 2 Test

Math – Friday, Feb. 17 Chapter 6 Test (Multiply and Divide Decimals)

Language – Friday, Feb. 17 Chapter 6 Test (Modifiers)


Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)

Study for upcoming tests!

Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.


Weekly Focus February 13- 17, 2023

Bible – Chapter 22 – Absalom Rebels against David

Literature – The Streets Are Free

Language – Using Modifiers Well

Math – Order of Operations, Problem Solving, Division

Social Studies – The Age of Exploration



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