January 2-6, 2023
Study Guide Bible Lesson 16: Samuel Listens to God
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 12:20 Samuel replied, Don’t be afraid. Even though you have committed all this evil, don’t turn away from following the Lord. Instead, worship the Lord with all your heart. CSB
- During the time of the judges, people did what was right in their own eyes.
- Hannah was not able to have children. Elkanah, her husband, had another wife, Peninnah.
- Peninnah ridiculed Hannah because of her inability to have children.
- When Hannah, Elkanah, and the other members of Elkanah’s family went to Shiloh for the annual sacrifice, Hannah wept out of sadness and asked God for a son.
- In Hannah’s prayer, she promised God that she would dedicate her son to the lord’s service and vowed that he would be a Nazirite.
- God blessed Hannah with a son, whom she named Samuel. He also blessed her with a total of seven children.
- Samuel lived around 1100-1000 BC.
- When Samuel was a young boy, Hannah took him to Eli at the tabernacle as she had promised. Hannah left Samuel there to be trained for the Lord’s service.
- Samuel heard God’s voice as a young boy. God told him what was going to happen to Eli and Eli’s ungodly sons.
- God gave Samuel three jobs. He was a prophet, a priest, and a judge.
- Eli’s and Samuel’s sons were rejected as priests and judges in Israel because of their great ungodliness.
- God told Samuel to warn Israel about how an earthly king would make their lives so hard that they would one day cry out for God to deliver them from the king. At that time, God would choose to be silent. The Israelites did not listen to Samuel and demanded a king anyway.
- Samuel anointed first Saul, and then David, as king.
- Leadership is the ability to guide or inspire others to accomplish a desired goal.
- A good leader stays close to God, listens to Him, and obeys Him.
- Samuel was a good leader, but differed from Samson. Samuel listened to, feared, and obeyed God. Samuel was spiritually strong, humble, disciplined, and faithful. He honored his Nazirite vow.
- Both Samson and Samuel were judges and Nazirites, used by God, and appointed by God to be leaders over Israel. They both fought against the Philistines and had miraculous births.
- Reading the Bible, praying, meditating on God’s Word, going to Bible studies and worship services, and putting aside personal desires are ways to hear God more clearly.
- The word Messiah refers to the expected King and Deliverer of the Hebrews.
Spelling Lesson 17
social – relating to society
partial – incomplete
decision – conclusion
delicious – especially tasty
politician – one who practices politics
precious – valuable
physician – a medical doctor
substantial – ample
description – thorough account
compassion – pity
commercial – business related
conversation – talk between two or more people
Pacific – the name of the largest ocean in the world
Mariana – the name of the trench located near the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean
undersea – underwater
subduction – the process by which one crustal plate is forced under an adjacent plate
lithosphere – the part of the earth’s mass consisting of the crust and the mantle
depressions – indentations in the surface; trenches
topographic – relating to topography; describes a type of map that shows elevations of landforms
aquamarine – a pale, blue-green hue
Test Schedule January 2-6, 2023
Spelling Pretest – No spelling pretest this week
Bible: Chapter 16 Test – Tuesday, January 10
Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story comprehension Friday, Jan. 6
Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, January 5
Spelling Word Test – Friday, January 6
Read and Comprehend Cold Reads – Friday, January 6
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests!
Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.
Weekly Focus January 2-6, 2023
Bible – Chapter 15 – Ruth Is Loyal
Literature – The Bird’s Peace
English – Adjectives/Adverbs
Math – Chapter 5 2-Digit Divisors
Social Studies – Maps