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March 16-20


Email: [email protected]

Hey 6th grade! I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy! I just wanted to remind you that we serve a mighty God who is always in control even when it may seem like things are too big for control. Nothing is too big or too great for our God!

You all should be finished with your papers for your social studies fair and should just have your boards left to finish. Please be working on your boards during this time at home and get them completed.

We are going to start our next chapter since you all are almost done with the social studies fair requirements.

This week’s assignment:

Due Friday March 20th

We will begin Chapter 17 this week. This week’s assignment will be to read Chapter 17 lesson 1 pages 564-569. You will then type a fact sheet that includes 3 facts for EACH section that is in RED LETTERS. There are a total of four sections in lesson 1 which means you should have a total of 12 facts on your fact sheet.

When you complete it please email it to me. If you don’t have a computer to type it on you can write it and have your parents take a picture and email it to me from their phones.

If you have questions or need anything please don’t hesitate to contact me through email.


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