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March 6-9

By March 2, 2023March 8th, 2023Mrs. Aimee Kidder

**Our field trip is March 28th**


Bible verse    Lesson 26     Romans 8:18

We have sufferings now. But the sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given us.



Spelling Lesson 26

List: 26

  1. guide
  2. angle
  3. courage
  4. edge
  5. gather
  6. hangar
  7. guard
  8. badge
  9. danger
  10. guest
  11. garage
  12. dodge
  13. cages
  14. guess
  15. giant
  16. gasoline
  17. village
  18. judge
  19. listen
  20. scared





Test Schedule:

English: Chapter 13 (Wednesday, March 8th)


Bible: Bible verse (Thursday, March 9th)

Reading: Charlotte’s Web chapters 4-6 (Thursday, March 9th)



Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)


Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- study math vocabulary cards (we made them in class)


Weekly Focus:

  1. Bible- Chapter 26- Stephen and the Early Church

Important Vocabulary: martyr-someone killed for their beliefs, persecution-the cruel treatment of someone because of their personal beliefs

  1. Reading- Charlotte’s Web novel study Chapters 4-6
  2. English- Chapter 13, mixed sentence patterns, possessive nouns, writing a narrative
  1. Math- Chapter 9 Measurement nonstandard units of measurement, inches and feet, centimeter and meter, yard and miles.







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