Bible verse: 2 Peter 1:3
Jesus has the power of God. His power has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus called us by his glory and goodness.
Spelling List: 34
List: 34
- where
- cents
- weight
- peace
- wear
- piece
- wait
- road
- two
- rode
- too
- rowed
- to
- their
- sense
- there
- scents
- they’re
- once
- entire
Test Schedule:
****English: Posttest (Wednesday, May 10th)
Social Studies: Chapter 8 (Thursday, May 11th)
Bible: Chapter 34 (Friday, May 12th)
Spelling: List 34 (Friday, May 12th)
Looking forward…….
****Math: Chapter 12 (Tuesday, May 16th)
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Chapter 34 The Life of Jesus (no vocabulary this week)
- Reading- Charlotte’s Web– in class project
- Math- Chapter 12 Time and money, time to the nearest hour and minute, identifying coins, and making change
- English- Posttest (A review of all skills learned in English)
- Social Studies- Chapter 8 The Government of Louisiana
Important vocabulary: jury, volunteer, executive branch, mayor