FBCS offers a Quality Education in a Christian Environment and believes each student can reach his or her full potential with hard work, discipline, and encouragement.  As we prepare our students to be well-rounded, educated individuals, it is our greatest desire to teach our students how to have a personal relationship with the Lord and walk in His righteousness.  We look for staff members willing to join us in our goals.

If you feel the Lord leading you into Christian Education we hope you will fill out and submit an application.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Mona Nelson, Head of School

FBCS participates in a variety of Academic Events & Competitions. These provide our students the opportunity to develop their academic skills as well as to grow as individuals.The Student Activities in which FBCS participates are as follows:

  • ASCI Spelling Bee
  • ASCI Math Olympics
  • ASCI Art Festival Competition
  • ASCI Speech Meet Competition
  • Three Rivers Art Festival Competition
  • St. Tammany Parish Fair Essay Contest
  • ASCI Creative Writing Contest
  • SELU Foreign Language Festival
  • Louisiana High School Quiz Bowl


FBCS offers a Robotics After School program for our students.  Robotics helps our students develop their computational thinking skills and teaches our students how to solve problems. Through robotics, FBCS students are challenged to use their knowledge to complete specific tasks such as designing and coding rovers and other machines to perform specific functions.  There is an annual Robotics competition to culminate the end of the semester’s after school program.

FBCS has an annual Steam Night for 3rd-6th grade students. This special event provides hands-on opportunities for our students to experiment, explore and understand how scientists use the world around us to imagine new things.

Our students have filled Love Banks with change to a total of $1522 for 2018, with a total collected in the last 2 years of $3703 – outfitting 988 orphaned children! Our students are amazing! Thank you for your compassionate heart!

Share the love of Jesus with a shoe box!  Our school goal this year is 400 boxes.  Help us out!

3 Ways you can help:

  • Fill a shoebox with appropriate items
  • Send $9 to ship a box
  • Pray for the children who will receive the boxes

Preorder the 2024-2025 yearbook today!!

Aug. 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024: hard cover, $40; soft cover, $35

April 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025: hard cover, $43; soft cover, $38

Deadlines to remember:

  • Last day to personalize a book: April 10, 2025
  • Parent ads due: May 22, 2025
  • Last day to order: May 31, 2025 (online or by paper)

Use this link to order online: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01000614

Order directly from the Jostens’s site.  Save your receipt.  If a paper order is preferred, contact Mrs. Vicknair, [email protected]. You will be billed through FACTS.

There are still have a few Yearbooks from 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 available for purchase: $35 softcover, $40 hardcover


(Note: there are many FBCS schools on Social Media…please be sure to add “Slidell” if you want to tag us :))
  • Public page: First Baptist Christian School Slidell
  • Private page (for parents/grandparents & teachers only): FBCS Slidell PTF (membership must be approved, questions must be answered)

Instagram & Twitter: FBCSLIDELL

Most used hashtags:

  • #fbcsslidell
  • #fbcseagles
  • #fbcseaglessoar
  • #fbcsclassof—-
  • #fbcsfirstgrade, #fbcssecondgrade, #fbcsthirdgrade, etc.
  • #fbcsalumni
  • #bethedifference

Library Schedule 2024-2025

Open daily for all students:

8:15 – 10:00am

3:00 – 3:30pm

Lower elementary will have opportunity to go to the library on the following days:

Monday: 2nd grade  12:30-1:00
Tuesday: 1st grade R 12:30-1:00
Wednesday: 1st grade D 12:30 – 1:00
Thursday: 3rd grade K 12:30 – 1:00
Friday: 3rd grade O 12:30 – 1:00

Monday – Friday, 4th – 5th grades 2:15 – 2:45


All accelerated reading points are due:

1st nine weeks: October 9th

2nd nine weeks: December 18th

3rd nine weeks: March 11th


AR Home Connect Link

Visit the Local Library’s Site

Did you know— Our Principal, Ms. Nelson is a published author?

Her current book is titled: Rachel’s Journey

This book can be purchased through Amazon.

Ms. Nelson’s book is AR with a book level of 5.8, Points 8.0, Quiz #912.
I highly recommend you check it out!

Buy Today!

First Baptist Christian School
4141 Pontchartrain Drive, Slidell, LA  70458

(Phone) 985-643-3725

(Fax) 985-445-1690


FBCS is accredited through ACSI and Cognia and open to all students regardless of race, color and ethnic or national origin.

Welcome to First Baptist Christian School.

We are delighted that you are interested in FBCS! 

Homeschool students can choose up to 3 courses from across all academic high school departments.  As part-time students, they can attend afterschool activities and special school events.  We encourage homeschool students to participate in campus life, where they will have the opportunity to make great Christian friends.  They can join sports teams (if open spots on team and student meets eligibility qualification for LHSAA) & non-academic clubs, participate in Spirit Day and Christian t-shirt days & Homecoming dress-up/down days.  They can also attend class field trips (if enrolled in that class).

High School Grades 9-12 only

Non-Refundable Application Fee $50 (this fee is cash or money order only)

Non-Refundable Tuition/Course Fee   $700 (per student; per-course)

Non-Refundable Technology Fee (Optional)   $300 (per student if using FBCS iPad)

    Options for Tech Fee: You have a choice of supplying a laptop or iPad that will be connected to our school server for books and assignments for daily use or use a school supplied iPad for the year.

AP and Honors courses available as long as student qualifies.

Application for Enrollment Procedures: Enrollment is open to Homeschool students any time during the school year when there is an opening in the course(s) you are seeking.

  • Click here for the link to FACTS to begin the application process: https://fbcs-la.client.renweb.com/oa/?memberid=17849
  • Parents must have at least one working email for school and teacher communications.
  • Students need to attend iPad boot camp if using a school iPad or bring personal iPad to school for us to help prep for our classes (Download Dropbox, Google Classroom, and Notability apps before bringing to school); Parents must attend New Parent Orientation and our regular Parent Orientation

All students enrolled at FBCS are enrolled on a probationary status. If the Administrator deems the student’s attendance, behavior or academics are detrimental to the school’s overall performance and the issues are not being resolved, the student may be asked to withdraw from FBCS and no refunds of monies paid will be refunded.

Thank you again for your interest in our school.  We look forward to meeting you and exploring the possibility of you and your student joining the FBCS family! We are praying that this program will be a blessing to you and your family!

In His Service,

Mona Nelson

FBCS Head of School

To order school uniforms, click on this link:


You will pick up uniforms from the school once you have been notified that they are ready. Thank you!

PTF Board Members


Stephanie Plescia-Bordes

PTF President

Christi Crabtree


Amanda Swanson


 Judi Roberts

FBCS Staff Liaison

Jennifer Modjeski


Rebecca Hederman


Allison Pearson


Tristen Wrublewski

Fundraising Coordinator

Licia Greenleaf


FBCS is “Dually Accredited through ACSI and Cognia” and open to all students regardless of race, color and ethnic or national origin. “First Baptist Christian School has an asbestos management plan on site and is available to review.”​