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My name is Brandie Bouza and I will be your child’s social studies teacher this year.  I am looking forward to meeting each of your children and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this year.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.  I have a B.A.  degree in History and Secondary Social Studies from Louisiana State University.  I have five children: Karleen(30), Presley(28), Raegyn(23), Abigail(20) and Antonio(10). I have been a member of FBC Mandeville for the past 25 years, where I enjoy teaching VBS and B.L.A.S.T. (Bible Learning and Spiritual Teaching).

My passions have always included teaching children/young adults in general, and I can’t wait to share my love for learning about geography, world history, American history, government, economics, and my native state of Louisiana, with your student.  Weekly assignments can be found on Google Calendar, and grades will be updated weekly on Headmaster.

I believe that the best way to succeed in my class is to be prepared to learn each day, pay attention and participate in class, and to review notes, worksheets, maps and the chapter DAILY.

Below is the quarterly 1000 point grading scale. Your child will need the following DAILY for this course: charged ipad, pen/pencil, loose leaf, 2 inch binder,  (4)  1 subject notebooks (one per nine weeks),  colored pencils and divider sheets.

1000 point grading scale:

Quarterly exam:          200 pts

Chapter tests:             500 pts

Journal/bellringer:    100 pts

Homework/quizes    200 pts

My email address is [email protected]. Feel free to contact me at any time.

Because of Jesus,

Brandie Bouza

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