Bible verse: Lesson 5 Luke 6:40
A student is not better than his teacher. But when the student has fully learned all that he has been taught then he will be like his teacher.
List 5:
- fright
- shine
- childhood
- buying
- tiny
- tried
- blind
- reply
- skyline
- mighty
- lies
- apply
- nearby
- tired
- bicycles
- brighter
- lives
- pliers
- shoes
- very
Test Schedule:
English- Chapter 3 (Thursday, September 8th)
Spelling- List 5 (Friday, September 9th)
Reading- Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong (Friday, September 9th)
Bible- Chapter 5-TESTED ON THE BIBLE VERSE ONLY (Friday, September 9th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 15 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- practice addition page (in homework folder)
- Study guides-Study for upcoming tests this week. We have new expectations for third grade. Books can be brought home. (Not a requirement). Study guides go home throughout the week usually a day or two before the actual test. FBCS curriculum doesn’t provide study guides for Bible, English, or Reading. We learn and complete so many activities during the week for extra practice. I sometimes give practice sheets and we ALWAYS review before a test!
Weekly Focus:
Bible– Jesus calls 8 more disciples, equipping the disciples, God’s changing power, and spiritual growth. Important vocabulary: transform- change remarkably, fellowship- the sharing of similar experiences and friendship
Reading– Good-Bye 382 Shin Dang Dong skill: internal conflict
Important vocabulary (workbook page 32) (enthusiastic, aroma, correspond, despair, farewell, foreign, suggest, radiator)
Math– Chapter 2: Addition-addition strategies- count on, make a ten, doubles, and doubles plus 1, Important vocabulary- addend, sum, adding without regrouping, adding with regrouping.
Science– Chapter 3
English– Finish Chapter 3