Week of January 17, 2023
Monday – no school
Wednesday- chapel
Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.
Test Schedule
Thursday, Jan. 12- Speed Drill
Friday, Jan 13- Bible Test- Bible Verse Only!
Reading Test- Claw Foot
Spelling Test
Math- worksheet, and finish workbook pages not finished in class; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.
Spelling- study these words for test List 19 Review:
- airport
- skirts
- chair
- early
- answer
- upstairs
- heard
- fearful
- thirteen
- shepherd
- nearly
- together
- stir
- silver
- first
- learn
- stairs
- covered
- engine
- symbol
Bible- memorize Memory Verse: Philippians 4:13,” I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength.”
Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school, new point goal has been set. This nine weeks, the AR grade is just based on reaching their point goal.
Study for upcoming tests:
Math Speed Drill- This week, students will have three minutes to solve 20 Division facts, dividing by 3.
Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder
Reading- students use their Reading book to review the story and skill, and use reading workbook to study vocabulary
Weekly Focus:
Bible- Jesus walks on water, Jesus is omnipotent, connects people to God, is trustworthy, and understands fear; vocab- focus, trustworthy
Reading- Claw Foot, skill- identifying the implied theme, and study Vocabulary (daisy side of reading workbook pg 44): captives, dismounted, gnarled, disguise, awkwardly, uselessness, addressed, rigid
Math- Ch 7 Long Division: divide 3-and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors, find average of multiple numbers, problem solving, probability
English- Ch 8: identifying direct objects, transitive verbs, Pattern 2 (SN V-t DO P2), simple verb tenses, regular and irregular verbs; vocab- protest and massive