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Week of March 27

Week of March 27, 2023


Tuesday, March 28- Field Trip


Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Wednesday, March 29- Social Studies Ch 3 Test

Reading Comprehension Quiz

Math Speed Drill

Thursday, March 30- Bible Test – only memory verse, and classwork will be graded

English Ch 10 Test

Spelling Test


Math- worksheet in homework folder due Friday; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling List 28 – study these words for test:

  1. mostly
  2. penniless
  3. beautiful
  4. happiness
  5. wavy
  6. shaky
  7. fearlessness
  8. quickly
  9. spotless
  10. darkness
  11. forgetful
  12. suddenly
  13. windy
  14. lazily
  15. careless
  16. graceful
  17. friendly
  18. peaceful
  19. away
  20. soldiers

Bible- memorize Memory Verse:  1 Chronicles 16:24, “Tell the nations about the Lord’s glory. Tell all peoples about his wonderful works.”

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school, new point goal has been set.  This nine weeks, the AR grade is just based on reaching their point goal.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Speed Drill, students will have 3 minutes to divide by 0-5

Bible- test will only be the memory verse this week, and classwork will be collected for a grade

Reading- Comprehension Quiz- students read a short story and answer questions about it, we will still read Charlotte’s Web Ch 13-15 in class, but we will not have a test on it this week.

Social Studies- Ch 3: First people of Louisiana, use summary hand out study guide to review, vocab: adapt, expedition, colony, barter; reading a timeline (example on pg 47&53, using a map grid pg 54-55

English- Ch 10: classifying sentences with indirect objects, sentence pattern 3 (SN Vt IO DO P3), making nouns plural, editing sentences; use workbook pg 121 to review, vocab words: stationary and hesitate.

Weekly Focus:

Bible-Paul’s Early Ministry: Saul transformed Acts 9:20-30; Called to Serve Acts 11: 19-26; ministry expands Acts 11:27-30; for God’s glory Galatians 1:11-14, 23-24

Reading- Charlotte’s Web Ch 13-15, vocab: noble, mercilessly, incessant, anxiety, modest, versatile

Math- Ch 10 Fractions: Parts of a whole pg 279-280, parts of a set pg281-282, identifying equivalent fractions pg283-284; vocabulary: Numerator- the number written above the fraction line. Denominator- the number written below the fraction line.

English- Ch 10: indirect objects, sentence pattern 3, making nouns plural, vocab- hesitate and stationary, descriptive writing

Social Studies- review Ch 3, and Ch 4 struggle in North America

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