Week of May 15, 2023
Monday- Thursday- Half Days 8-11:30am
Friday- Awards Ceremony in Sanctuary 9am, please wear school uniform
Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.
Test Schedule
Tuesday, May 16- Math Ch 11 Test
Wednesday, May 17- English Ch 12 Quiz
Math- study for test
Study for upcoming tests:
Math – Ch 11 Decimals: use Ch 11 Review pg 329-330 in Take Home Folder; write fraction and decimal for picture, write fraction or decimal on place value chart, write the decimal for fractions or mixed number, write fractions for decimal, compare decimals as less than or greater than, round to the nearest whole number and estimate sum or difference, adding and subtracting decimals, reading graphs
English- Ch 12: use workbook pages 141-143 exercises 2-3 to review for quiz: identifying verb as action or linking verb, identify the sentence pattern: SN V, SN V-t DO, SN V-t IO DO, SN LV PrN, SN LV PA; and identifying double negatives and correcting them in a sentence
Weekly Focus:
Reading- Charlotte’s Web: in class activities
Math- Ch 12: telling time to the nearest 5 minutes and minute
English- Ch 12: identify action and linking verbs, identify and correcting double negatives
Social Studies- Ch 6: A Nation Divided, North and South, Civil War