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Week of May 8, 2023


Wednesday, May 10- Chapel

Friday, May 12- Christian T-shirt

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Wednesday, May 10- Social Studies Ch 5 Test

Thursday, May 11- Math Speed Drill

Friday, May 12- Bible Test 33

Reading Comp Quiz

Spelling Test 34


Math- worksheet in homework folder due Thursday; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling List 34 – study these words for test:

  1. where
  2. cents
  3. weight
  4. peace
  5. wear
  6. piece
  7. wait
  8. road
  9. two
  10. rode
  11. too
  12. rowed
  13. to
  14. their
  15. sense
  16. there
  17. scents
  18. they’re
  19. once
  20. entire

Bible- memorize Memory Verse:  Matthew 28:19, “So go and make followers of all people in the world.  Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Speed Drill, students will have 3 minutes to divide by 9

Social Studies- Ch 5: Louisiana becomes a state; use summary handout to review for test and Compare Graphs pg 92-93 in textbook: identify and read pictographs, bar graphs, and circle graphs, drawing bar graphs; vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop

Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder

Reading- Comprehension Quiz- students read a short story and answer questions about it using the story.

Weekly Focus:

Bible- the Great Commission- praying, giving, evangelizing, be a missionary: Billy Graham, Cam Townsend, Ida Scudder, Count Zinzendorf, Loren Cunningham; vocab: harvest, fund

Reading- Charlotte’s Web: in class activities

Math- Ch 11: add and subtract decimals (p 323-324), problem solving: decimals (p 325-326), graphs (p 327-328), review (p 329-330)

English- Ch 12: classify sentences with mixed patterns, identify action and linking verbs, identify double negatives

Social Studies- Ch 5: Compare Graphs; Review, vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop

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