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By August 18, 2021Uncategorized

August 2021

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome to Fourth grade. My name is Amanda Swanson, and I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child this year.  Our class will be achieving a lot this year in terms of academic growth, greater self-confidence and improved social skills. Good communication between parent, teacher, and student is VITAL for the academic success of the child. I can’t wait to get to know you and the students! We are going to have a great year!

Snacks: Your child needs to bring his/her snack to school each day. We will be having snack time in the afternoon. Please make sure that snacks are sugar free if possible. No candy is allowed. Please do not send in food that contains peanuts due to peanut allergies. Your child may also bring water in a clear plastic container (you may want to label it) that he/she will access after recess, during snack time and other times throughout the day.

Grades: All subject grades are based on an 800 point rubric except for Math which will be 1000. The points may vary per nine weeks but it will always be close to 800 or 1000.  I plan to update grades weekly.

Conduct: There will be a grade given for conduct each day. I will be communicating with you in case we are having any problems. I am praying that this will not be an issue and please stress with your child how important good behavior will be for our classroom.

Class Rules:

Follow Directions.

Keep hands and feet to yourself.

Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.

Adjust voice and noise level to suit activity.

Respect the people and things in our classroom.

We will listen courteously when the teacher and/or others are talking.


Homework: This will be listed on my website each week. My prayer for this year is that homework will be fairly minimal. I will not take homework late unless your child has been out for an excused absence or an emergency occurs. Any worksheets or workbook page(s) that do not get finished in class will be homework. Please encourage them to get their work done in class.

Graded Papers:  All graded test papers will be sent home in a test folder. There will be a sheet in the folder for you to date and sign. Please return the folder and test papers the next day. I will keep all of the test papers on file.

Uniform Policy: I will enforce the dress code. Please read the student handbook for more information on this topic. If you have a question about what your child may or may not wear, please contact the school office before you send your child to school.

School time: Your child needs to be in class anytime between 7:40-8:00am. Please make sure that your child is in the classroom by 8:00am. A student will be marked tardy if they enter the class after 8:00am. After 8:00am, your child needs to go to the office wo get an excused tardy. Each morning your child will come into your class, turn in homework or any note for the office, unpack his/her book bag, and sit down as they begin their morning routine.

Birthday Parties: If you would like to bring in a treat for your child’s birthday, please let me know a week in advance so that I can plan for it. Please do not bring party favors or prizes. If you choose to have a birthday party for your child off campus and want invitations handed out to the class, there must be an invitation for each child.

Please don’t forget to check out our school website: This is where I will post information such as announcements, test schedules, workbook pages, homework assignments, etc. Please be patient with me because there may be times when I do not get things posted as quickly as I would like to.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call the school office at 985-643-3725. Communication is best done by email. I will check my email daily and get back with you as soon as possible.  Please be mindful that I do have a family so I may not answer emails on the weekends or late in the evenings. Also, please be sure to check your email daily in case I need to send updated information to the parents. I also ask that when you pick up in the afternoon that this is done as efficiently as possible; if you need to speak with me, please contact me in advance to arrange a time when I can give you my full attention. If you need to bring anything to your child after school has started, please take it to Student Services and not to the classroom.

I ask that you remember that I am human and I will make mistakes. If you find something that doesn’t make sense or isn’t clear, please let me know in a kind and loving manner. Please be in prayer for me and all my students as start this new year. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!

Mrs. Amanda Swanson

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