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I am so excited about this new school year!  I will be teaching your student in the Visual & Performing Arts (Music & Art) classes.  Each class will meet one day a week.

My name is Linda Vicknair. This is my 18th year teaching at First Baptist Christian School and 15th year teaching Music & Art.  I am an active member of First Baptist Church where I sing in the church choir and play handbells. I also teach beginner piano after school.

The Arts are an integral part of your child’s education.  The arts not only are important in learning and creative thinking, but they also help a student to learn better in other subject areas. The arts not only teach creativity, but encourage students to think creatively, experiment, innovate, and to seek new ways to solve a problem.  Our God is THE CREATOR.  That alone, should tell us that creativity is important.  Learning a specific skill set doesn’t have the value in today’s world that it once did. Learning how to be more creative (and thus adaptable) is what prepares our students for life beyond the classroom.

Art is my passion!  And I hope to pass on this passion to your child!  For the 2022-2023 school year, elementary art students will learn about famous art masters as we explore the Renaissance, Baroque period, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Abstract/Surrealist art.  This is going to be fun!

The Square1Art program will be back this year!  You will be sent an email mid-October with an opportunity to purchase items created with your child’s art. Just in time for Christmas gifting!

FBCS will again participate in the Three Rivers Art Festival in Covington and the ACSI Art Festival.  The Three Rivers Festival is held in the fall and open to all students.  I will be asking students to participate in this event soon.  The ACSI Art festival is for students.  We are limited to the number of entries which makes the selection difficult! I am looking forward to this year’s ACSI Art Festival, which is held in April.  I will be looking for excellent work to represent our school!  Both of these events are an exciting way to celebrate creativity.   There will also be a number of contests and creative events where students will be invited to participate.  Keep watch of your email!

FBCS student artwork for the year will be displayed at our annual FBCS Night at the Arts in May.  Please plan to come!

Donations for art are always appreciated.  Art is a subject of consumption.  If anyone is willing to help with supplies that I could have on hand for students who either do not have, or need to replenish, it is appreciated.  Everything is used and needs to be continually replaced.  Please contact me by email if you would like to help.

I am expecting a fantastic year with your student, and you!

 “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29


Our Creator God is an amazing artist!! Just take a look outside! There isn’t any way to teach art without relating to our Creator.  Art is all around us – whether it be God-created or man-created (inspired by our Creator). What an amazing world we live in!

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1


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