March 20-24, 2023
Bible Lesson 26 Elisha Displays God’s Power
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you. CSB
- An Old Testament prophet was someone chosen by God and divinely inspired to know and prophesy about the future.
- Elijah can be characterized as a prophet of judgment and Elisha as more of a prophet of mercy.
- It is important to listen to God to know His will and to be able to guide others to Him.
- God performed a miracle through Elisha immediately after Elijah was taken to heaven. This showed that Elisha was now God’s chosen prophet.
- A juvenile delinquent is someone who is not yet an adult and whose behavior is rebellious and beyond parental control. The Old Testament punishment for a rebellious youth was death by stoning. God wanted to remove evil from the land and to encourage youths to fear and obey Him.
- A rebellious gang of youths was maliciously ridiculing and disrespecting God and His servant Elisha.
- When Elisha cursed the disrespectful youths, God sent two bears as a judgment against their behavior.
- Elisha showed mercy to the widow by providing enough oil so that she could sell it to pay her debts and support her family.
- The Shunammite woman honored Elisha by building him an upper room to stay in when he came to visit. God repaid her for this kindness by giving her a son. When her son died, God, through Elisha, raised her son back to life.
- Reputation means a widespread belief about a person’s character or abilities.
- Naaman was a highly regarded soldier who suffered from leprosy.
- Leprosy refers to a dreaded skin disease that deforms its victims.
- A young Israelite servant showed leadership when she told Naaman’s wife about a prophet in Israel who could heal Naaman.
- The king of Syria gave a letter to Naaman to give to the king of Israel. When the king of Israel read it, he became angry and thought the king of Syria was trying to start a war with him.
- When Elisha instructed Naaman to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River, Naaman became very angry. He expected Elisha to meet with him and heal him instantly.
- Naaman’s pride nearly cost him his healing. As a result of seeing that God was omnipotent, which means all-powerful, Naaman became a believer.
- Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, saw Naaman’s gifts and wanted them for himself. As a result of his selfishness and greed, he was cursed with Naaman’s leprosy.
- God protected Elisha and a servant of his by placing a ring of heavenly warriors around his home and then blinding the Syrian army.
- God expects people to respect and honor godly leaders by listening to and applying their teaching and wisdom.
seasonal – related to a season or time of year
electrical – related to electricity
upsetting – disturbing; distressing
admitting – action of acknowledging; confessing
pardoning – action of forgiving; absolving
happening – to be occurring as a result of something
submitting – to present or propose for a review
straightening – action of making something tidy
occurred – to have come to mind or happened
frightened – to have been made afraid
preferred – to have liked better
accustomed – to have familiarized or become used to
insulate – to reduce the passage of heat, sound, or electricity from something by surrounding it with some material
blizzard – a heavy snowstorm with strong winds
subzero – below zero
toboggan – a flat-bottomed sled
hibernate – to be or become inactive during the winter
barometer – an instrument that measures changes in atmospheric pressure and is used for weather forecasting and determining altitude
thermometer – an instrument that is used to determine temperature
incredible – not able to believe; amazing or extraordinary
Test Schedule March 20-24, 2023
Spelling Pretest – No spelling pretest this week
Bible: Chapter 25 (Elijah Boldly Confronts Evil) Test – Tuesday, March 21
Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story comprehension Friday, March 24
Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, March 23
Spelling Word Test – Friday, March 24
Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, March 24
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests!
Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.
Weekly Focus March 20-24, 2023
Bible – Chapter 26 Elisha Displays God’s Power
Literature – The Founders of the Children’s Rainforest
Language – Unit 8 Punctuation The Writer’s Signals
Math – Chapter 7 Geometry