Week of August 15, 2023
Tuesday- Sports Night 6-7pm
Wednesday- chapel and Eagle store at lunch
Friday- Spirit T-shirt Day
Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.
Test Schedule
Wednesday, Aug 17- Science Vocabulary Quiz
Thursday, Aug 18- Science Chapter 1 Test
English Chapter 1 Test
Friday, Aug 19- Spelling Test List 2
Bible Chapter 2 Test and memory verse
Reading: The Story of the White Sombrero, and Vocabulary
Homework is assigned on Monday in the Homework Folder, and due on Friday in the homework folder. Math Homework will be graded. Late homework will not be taken.
Please cover 4 hardback books with brown paper- Shurley English, Social Studies, Literature Opal- Daisy and Sunflower
Math- review worksheet
Spelling- Study these words for test
- eighty
- playing
- acorn
- they
- safety
- mistake
- lady
- explain
- neighbor
- delay
- break
- skateboard
- afraid
- maybe
- forgave
- training
- steak
- weigh
- months
- because
Bible- memorize Memory Verse- Luke 2:40 “The little child began to grow up. He became stronger and wiser, and God’s blessings were with him.”
Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.
Study for upcoming tests:
Bible- students may use their workbook to study and for the 1st nine weeks, I will send a study guide sheet in their take home folder
Reading- students use their Reading book to review the story and skill, and use reading workbook to study vocabulary
Science- vocabulary quiz- vocabulary list to study will be in homework folder and Chapter 1 test- students may use workbook to study which has a chapter review at the end of the chapter
English- students can use English book and workbook to study
Study Guides- study guides will either be placed in the Take home folder or Homework Folder
Weekly Focus:
Bible- Jesus’ birth and childhood
Reading- The Story of the White Sombrero (pg 21-34), skill- plot (events that happen in the story), study reading book pg 18 What is Plot? And study Vocabulary in reading workbook pg 8
Math- Place Value up to hundred thousand, rounding, comparing numbers, ordinal numbers, making a graph
English- Chapter 1: capitalization and punctuation, synonyms and antonyms, word analogies, vocabulary- encourage, soothe
Science- Chapter 1 Ecosystems: Ch.1 vocabulary- prey, food chain, consumer, decomposer, scavenger, predator, animal survival (vocabulary list will be in their homework folder)
In case you are not familiar with AR reading, here is some information about it:
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer program that helps teachers and librarians manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his own level and reads it at his own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer. (Passing the quiz is an indication that your child understood what was read.) Accelerated Reader gives children, teachers, and librarians feedback based on the quiz results, which the teacher then uses to help your child set goals and direct ongoing reading practice.
Children using Accelerated Reader choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them.
Children’s reading level is determined by a Star Reading Test that children will take in computer class. Based on the test results, which I will send home, your child will receive a book level range. Their book level range will be a number range that your child uses to find a book to read. The purpose of reading a book within their assigned range level is so they do not read books that are too difficult but not too easy.
An AR book is any book that has a comprehension quiz in the AR computer database. To find out if a book is in the AR system, you can go to the AR website by googling AR bookfinder and it should be arbookfind.com and it should take you to a site where you can type in a title of a book and if there is a quiz for it, then it will give the book level, quiz number, and points value.
Every day in class, we will have 30 minutes of AR time in which students are to read a book and then record the book in a log in their AR folder and take a quiz on the iPad about the book. AR quizzes are only to taken at school. Depending on how well they do on the quiz, they earn points and accuracy percentage. Each 9 weeks grading period, the students have a points goal. They will earn a grade for AR for each 9 weeks as a part of their Reading grade. Their grade in AR is an average of achieving their points goal and their accuracy percentage.
If you would like keep track of your child’s AR progress, you can look on the FBCS webpage under library, click on the AR Home Connect Link, and sign up so that you can receive an email every time your child takes an AR quiz. Your child’s username should be the first letter of his/her first name and the first four letters of his/her last name. The password is abc.