Quiz on conjugating -ir and -er verbs – Friday
Bible Verse quiz – Thursday
We are continuing Chapter 3 – La Comida
Chapter 3A objectives:
- Talk about foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch
- Talk about likes and dislikes
- Express how often something is done
- Understand cultural perspectives on meals
Monday: Vocabulario en uso (Page 128-129)
- Core practice workbook page 51
- Exercises 4-7 pages 128-129
Tuesday: Practice and Communicate (Page 130-131)
- Page 130-131 exercise 8-11
- Try it out! question page 130 in yellow box
Wednesday: Gramatica present tense of -er and -ir verbs (Page 132-133)
- Copy yellow charts page 132
- Exercise 12 page 132
Thursday: Quiz on Bible verse
Vocabulario y gramatica en uso (Page 133-134)
- Exercise 13-14 page 133
- Exercise 15-16 page 134
- Fondo cultural box page 134
- Guided practice workbook page 93-94
- Core practice workbook page 53
Friday: Quiz on conjugating -ir and -er verbs
Gramatica: Me gustan, me encantan (Page 135)
- Exercise 17-18 page 135