Spanish-speaking country project due January 19th
Presentations will be Tuesday/Wednesday
Introduction to spanish numbers 0-100 Thursday/Friday
Quiz on numbers 1-100 Wednesday, January 27th
Lesson 1-3
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Follow classroom directions in Spanish
- Write and read Spanish numbers 1-100
- Learn cultural perspectives about several Spanish-speaking countries
Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday: Spanish-speaking country projects due!
- Presenting projects
Wednesday: Project presentations continued
- Presenting projects
Thursday: Introduction to numbers in Spanish 0-10
- Speaking practice using numbers 1-10
- Depending on the mastery of these numbers, we will move on to 11-20 (Some students have not had Spanish previous to this class)
- Worksheet on number word recognition
- Exercise 8-9 page 7
Friday: Numbers in Spanish continued – 10-30
if time allotted we will move on to 31-100
- Worksheet page 3
- Exercise 10 – page 7
- Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s