Test on 1B – Friday, October 30th
This week we will be finishing up chapter 1B and tested on the chapter Friday.
Remember to review the terms in the chapter review (Page 70-71) often/every other day before our upcoming test! 🙂
If you need extra help/tutoring please email me to schedule an appointment.
Week Overview:
Monday – Continue Gramatica – Word order: Placement of adjectives (Page 62)
Using correct word order
Listening for comprehension
Writing and speaking about oneself and other people
- Exercise 21-22 pg. 63
- Guided practice workbook pg. 50
- Core practice workbook pg. 28
Tuesday – Lectura – un self-quiz (Page 64)
Reading and completing a magazine personality quiz
Fondo cultural – Common clothing worn in Spanish speaking countries
- Magazine self-quiz comprendes? activity pg. 65
- Watch a video on various Spanish-speaking countries examples of clothing
Wednesday – Perspectivas del mundo hispano – “Que es un amigo?”
Reading about friendship
Writing a mock e-mail as an introduction to a perspective pen pal
- Check it out! Activity pg. 66
- Think about it! Activity pg. 66
- Writing a mock e-mail introduction to a prospective pen pal pg. 67
Thursday – El Mundo Hispano – El Caribe (Page 68-69)
Learning about culture of the Caribbean
- Read about the Caribbean pg.68-69
- Watching a video about the Caribbean
- Video on traditional dances and music seen and heard in the Caribbean
- Para pensar activity pg. 68
- Review for test tomorrow
Friday – Chapter 1B Test