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Week of September 20

By September 19, 2021Uncategorized


Tuesday, Sept. 21- KIDS’ CLUB If you signed your child up for this, make sure you have sent in a white t-shirt (new or used).  We will be painting Kids’ Club t-shirts to be worn each month on Kids’ Club days.

Tuesday, Sept. 21- Class Picture Retake. Due to a lighting issue last week, we will retake our class picture on Tuesday.

Wednesday, Sept. 22- Booster Club Bake Sale. Bring a dollar and buy a yummy goodie at lunch.

Thursday, Sept. 23- Slidell Ice Cream Co. Night Out. Email coming out with more info.

Test Schedule:

Monday- Handwriting Test

Tuesday- Reading Comprehension

Science Test

Wednesday-Math Tests (written and oral) and Speed Drills

Language Quiz

Thursday- Phonics- written and oral


Friday- Bible Story Test

Bible Memory Verse Test

Spelling Quiz- K/C rule


Mathwritten– adding pennies, circle the number that is greater, underline the number that is less, count by tens, after numbers by ones, addition and subtraction facts, 1-5 Addition and Subtraction Families; review the Math worksheets; oral-answer 5 addition problems, and Speed Drill – students have two minutes to complete 12 addition and subtraction problems (4 sets of these)

PHONICS:  For written test– write letter sounds, write special sounds in words (study Chart 6) and spelling words; and oral test -practice reading one-syllable words with one or two vowels, and words with special sounds from Chart 6.

The Handbook for Reading (apple book) is your “Phonics Bible”.  Have your child read letter sounds, blends with long and short vowel sounds, and words to you.  You could also dictate sounds, blends, and clue words for special sounds to your child for him/her to write.  Your child should be memorizing the special sounds and clue words for Charts 6 and 7.  We learn these so that students can use this when sounding out new words.  They should read each special sound and clue word and then spell them (example:  “ck in duck, c – k”).  You could make a matching game with the clue words on one type of card and the special sounds on another, mix them up, and have your child match the clue word with the special sound.  Note:  blends should be read as one sound, not sounding out each letter (example:  “la”, not “l – a”).

Spelling: For homework, I will be sending home a Spelling Bee sheet. Students need to write their words 3 times by Thursday and return in their red folder on Thursday. Each day students should study their words.

For the test this week, study these words: tan, set, hit, dog, cup, gas, web, pig, mop, fun, the, does

Also, we will have a quiz about the K/C rule: K comes before i and e, C before the other three: a, o, and u (Handbook pg. 31).

HANDWRITING:  The handwriting sheet for homework is for a grade, so please encourage students to write neatly. If your child is not getting A’s on the Writing tests, he/she should practice writing at home using lined paper that we use at school (with dotted lines in the middle).  You could have your child write the spelling words, his/her name (which is also graded on the writing tests).   Using the Manuscript Guide (copy in your Orientation packet), have your child practice writing the alphabet and numbers, and words. Make sure that they are holding their pencils correctly.

Science: Test will be about fish. A science worksheet packet about fish was sent home on Friday in the red Take-Home Folder, that can be used to review for the test.

Bible: Bible verse:  Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.  How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

Bible stories for this week are The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) and God Calls Abram (Genesis 12:1-20)

Language: We introduced Adverbs to sentences last week.  We are classifying sentences with Subject Noun (SN)—Verb (V)—Adverb (Adv).  See worksheets that I send home.  We classify sentences in the same order EVERY time:  Subject noun (which answers the question What or Who); then Verb (Action – what did the subject DO?); then Adverb (which answers questions How? When? Where?).

Reading: Comprehension Test will include a short story and questions about the story. I will be sending home a Reading Homework Calendar this week. Please read the assigned pages each day and initial the date after reading. The reading calendar can be folded and kept in the reader or in the red folder.

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