Third Grade Information
Ms. Danielle Roberts
Room 402
Welcome to Third Grade! I am very excited about this year, and I am looking forward to working with and getting to know each one of your children. Your child’s academic and spiritual growth will be a wonderful thing to see throughout the year.
I grew up in a loving, Christian family. I attended FBCS starting in first grade and graduated high school here in 2005. I graduated from William Carey University in May 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in elementary education. I have been a substitute teacher at FBCS, First Baptist Child Development Center, and public schools. I have also worked with Homebound teaching, tutored students in math, and worked in aftercare at CDC. From 2012-2014, I taught first grade here at FBCS. Then I had the opportunity to teach in China. I taught English in China at a Chinese Kindergarten for six years. Due to Covid, I have been unable to return to China. Last year, I had the wonderful opportunity to teach first grade at FBCS again.
God has called me to be a teacher and I am eager to follow His will and do my best as your child’s third grade teacher. I believe God has great plans for your children. I am completely devoted and excited to see what God has in store for us this year!
Please feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern. You can contact me by either enclosing a note in your child’s Take Home Folder or emailing me at [email protected].
Your child’s Take Home Folder is used to transport notices, money, etc, back and forth. Check this folder daily and help your child return it each day in his/her backpack.
Your child’s Conduct Folder is used to record his or her daily grade in conduct. Also, check this folder daily and help your child return it each day.
The Test Folder is sent home weekly with the tests inside for you to review and sign. Your child must return the Test Folder each week with the tests.
Your child’s Homework folder will go home each Monday with assigned homework for the week and will be due on Friday.
FBCS sends many notices and information home via email, rather than on paper that can get lost along the way. Our First Baptist Christian School web site is, which includes links to Headmaster, my webpage, our Student Handbook, our school calendar, Accelerated Reading, and the lunch menu.
Please check my Teacher update page on the school website every week. I will update it weekly to include announcements, test and homework schedules.
Headmaster (Grades)
You may see your child’s grades on Headmaster. This allows you to keep up-to-date on your child’s progress. I will have each week’s grade posted on Headmaster by Monday. You can also see the test papers each week in your child’s Test folder. Please return the test papers in the Test folder promptly.
Students will have a snack in the afternoon, in which students need to bring their own snack each day. Please try to bring a healthy, low sugar snack that is not messy. Students may bring a water bottle to school, but it must be only water in a clear, see-through bottle.
If your child wants to bring a special snack, such as cake or cupcakes or cookies, for his/her birthday, that is perfectly fine. If you bring any type of cake, please bring it pre-cut. Students may pass out birthday party invitations to classmates, only if they bring one for all students in our class.
Class Rules
- Be kind to others.
- Obey your teachers
- Respect others’ property
- Stay in your seat, unless given permission to do otherwise
- Raise your hand according to the signals.
Students will earn a daily conduct grade. Their grade will be posted on the Conduct Calendar in the Take Home folder. Each day students who earn an A in conduct will earn a sticker for their sticker ticket. After students complete their ticket, they can turn it in to choose a prize from the Prize Box on Friday.
If a student disobeys the class rules, this is the procedure. We have a conduct chart with letters A, B, C, D, F. Each student has a clothespin that starts on A every day. If a student disobeys a rule, then the student will have to move his or her clothespin down a letter grade. The consequences for not following the class rules are:
1st offense- Verbal warning (no pin moved, no consequence)
2nd offense- Student moves their clothespin on chart, and has a B in conduct
3rd offense- Student moves pin to C in conduct and lunch detention
4th offense- Student moves pin to D in conduct, and recess detention
5th offense- Student moves pin to F in conduct and sent to office.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is your reference guide to the school policies. Please see the Handbook for policies concerning make-up work, absences, uniform, attendance, etc.
I look forward to having a great year and I am excited to see your child grow in every way. I am committed to be the best teacher I can be and to help your child learn in a positive, encouraging, and nurturing environment. Let’s work together! If you need help with anything, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Thank you!
Ms. Roberts