*Picture Day is Monday for Second Grade*
Bible Verse: Psalm 78:1 My people, hear my instruction; listen to what I say.
Monday 16 | Tuesday 17 | Wednesday 18 | Thursday 19 | Friday 20 |
Manuscript Writing Test 2 | Oral Reading Evaluation 1 | Bible Verse Test
Bible Test 1 Science Chapter 1 Test |
Math Speed Drill addition to 10
Science Plant Poster Presentation (100 point grade)
Spelling List 2 Test |
Students will write their Bible verse 3x in class. This will be picked up for a 30 point grade.
Bible pgs. 1-2
Language Textbook pgs. 17-18
Math pgs. 11-12
Spelling Pg. 5
Cursive – Manuscript Writing Test 2
Reading – Reader pgs. 25/workbook pgs. 13-14
Science – pgs. 13-14
Bible pgs. 3-4
Language –Review over Language Cheat Sheet (will use this paper for their first test which is next week. Like an open book test. Please go over each packet page with them as its completed. You will use their packets as a study guide for their tests. This is usually a harder test each year for the students)
Math pgs. 13-14
Spelling pg. 6
Cursive pg. 5
Reading – Reader pgs. 26-41/Packet pgs. 15-16
Science – pgs. 15-18 (Ch. 1 Test Thursday this week)
Language – Textbook pg. 20-23, review Ch. 2 Vocab (in manila folder)
Math pgs. 15-16
Spelling pg. 7
Cursive pg. 6
Science – Ch. 1 Test Review (Test Tomorrow and Packets due tomorrow)
Reading – Oral Reading Eval #1
Bible – Bible and Bible Verse Test 1
Language – Textbook pgs. 24-28/ Packet pg. 5
Math pgs. 17-18
Spelling pg. 8
Cursive pg. 7
Reading – book pgs. 43 / workbook pgs. 17-18
Science – Chapter 1 Test (Plant Poster DUE Tomorrow)
Bible pg. 5 (Lesson 2.1)
Language –Textbook pgs. 29-33/ Packet pg. 7
Math pgs. 19-20 / SPEED DRILL 1.3C (2 mins to complete)
Spelling – List 2 Test
Cursive pg. 8
Reading – Reader pg. 44-49/Workbook pgs. 19-20
Science – Plant Poster Presentation (Make sure your child has all the requirements on the poster listed on the rubric)