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January 31-February 4

Bible verse          NO BIBLE VERSE FOR CHAPTER 20


Spelling Lesson 20:

List: 20

  1. airport
  2. skirts
  3. chair
  4. early
  5. answer
  6. upstairs
  7. heard
  8. fearful
  9. thirteen
  10. shepherd
  11. nearly
  12. together
  13. stir
  14. silver
  15. first
  16. learn
  17. stairs
  18. covered
  19. engine
  20. symbol


Test Schedule:

Reading (A Gift for Tia Rosa), Bible Chapter 19, and Spelling list 19 tests from the week of (January 24th) all on Monday.


Science: Chapter 8 (Wednesday, February 2nd)



Spelling: No test on list 20 Friday: classwork grade

Bible: No test on Chapter 20 on Friday: classwork grade

Reading: No test on Clawfoot on Friday: classwork grade


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- pages 195-196 (check homework folder)



Weekly Focus:

  1. Bible- Chapter 20: Matthew, Mark, and John all share the same Bible truth. The disciples are caught in a wind storm. Jesus walks on water. Important vocabulary: focus- total attention on something, trustworthy- worthy of trust, deserving confidence
  2. Reading- Clawfoot skill-implied theme

Important Vocabulary: (pg. 44 in the workbook) captives

dismounted, gnarled, disguise, awkwardly, uselessness, addressed, rigid

  1. English- Chapter 7- interjections Important vocabulary: notify (pg. 189 in the textbook) and demolish (pg. 194 in the textbook)
  2. Math- Chapter 7 Division- division with or without remainders, checking division with multiplication
  3. Science- finish chapter 8- Earth’s Surface


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