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Bible verse: Hebrews 10:24

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.


Spelling List: 33

List: 33

  1. title
  2. riddle
  3. jungle
  4. buckle
  5. people
  6. temple
  7. rumble
  8. trouble
  9. capable
  10. able
  11. settle
  12. handle
  13. double
  14. shuttle
  15. whistle
  16. sample
  17. sparkle
  18. vegetable
  19. planets
  20. history


Test Schedule:

Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 13-15 (Monday, May 3rd) **this is a rescheduled test



Bible:  Chapter 31 (Friday, May 7th)

Spelling: List 33 (Friday, May 7th)

Social Studies: Chapter 9 (Friday, May 7th)



Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (math homework will be graded) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

  • Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished. Please keep track of the books read at home on the sheet located in the A.R. folder.
  • Math- pgs.309-310
  • Study guides: no study guides this week



Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Paul’s third missionary journey (new vocabulary – endure, riot) Paul showed his faithfulness and trust in God when he said, “The Lord’s will be done.”
  • Reading- Charlotte’s Web– Chapters 16-18 (new vocabulary- tussle, pummeled, lacerated, listless, detected, humble) vocabulary PowerPoint in class.
  • Math- Chapter 11 Decimals
  • English- Chapter 15 Writing a friendly letter
  • Social Studies- Chapter 9 Making a Living in Louisiana (vocabulary for the test- producers, demand, opportunity cost, scarcity)

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