November 28-December 2, 2022
Study Guide Bible Lesson 14: Samson Chooses Unwisely
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 19Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20for you were bought at a price. So, glorify God with your body.
- A Nazirite is defined as one who was set apart for God’s special purposes.
- Nazirite – He or she was to never cut his or her hair, never eat any part of grapes or drink strong drink, never eat anything unclean, and never go near or touch a dead body.
- A vow is defined as a solemn promise or pledge.
- The omnipotence of God was evident when Samson’s mother, who had not been able to have children, became pregnant and gave birth to a son.
- God told Samson’s parents that Samson would begin to free the Israelites from the Philistine rule.
- Sometimes God calls people to begin a task that someone else will finish.
- God’s Spirit was revealed in Samson’s life through his supernatural strength. This strength was to be used in judgment against the Philistines.
- Samson broke his Nazirite vow when he ate honey that came from dead animal carcass and allowed his hair to be cut. He probably also failed at being a Nazirite by drinking alcoholic drinks at a feast.
- Samson’s main problem was he often followed his fleshly desires instead of God’s will. This was frequently shown in his interest in the wrong women.
- Samson’s sin led to his own death when he allowed himself to fall in love with Delilah and to reveal the secret of his strength.
- The Philistines captured Samson, blinded him, bound him with chains, made him grind grain in prison, and mocked him at celebrations of the false god Dagon.
- Samson was deceived, captured, and humiliated; he pulled down the temple, killing himself along with 3,000 Philistine leaders.
- Samson destroyed the Philistines’ central place of worship.
- God’s Word and the Holy Spirit help believers identify sin and avoid dangerous choices.
- Believers make choices every day. Ignoring the Holy Spirit’s prompting results in poor choices, which create a poor reputation.
- Poor choices can limit the release of God’s power in a person’s life. Even though Samson did mighty things, he would have been much more effective if he had lived according to God’s ways.
Spelling Lesson 15 Homographs
invalid – not valid; a sickly or disabled person
wound – an injury; to turn completely around
excuse – to remove responsibility; a good reason
record – to copy for future use; an official document
conflict – an opposing action; to fail to be in agreement
console – the electric devise that connects to a television set; to comfort
conduct – a behavior; to take part in the management of something
address – to speak out; the directions for delivery on an envelope
produce – to make available to be seen; fresh fruits and vegetables
complex – a building or group of housing units; hard to analyze
increase – to make greater; an addition
contract – a written agreement; to become less in size
rotation – the action of rotating
surface – the uppermost part
periodic – occurring at regular intervals
strength – the quality of being strong
proximity – the closeness of one thing to another
continuous – uninterrupted in space, tone, or order
gravitational – describes the force of gravity
transportable – able to be carried from one place to another
Test Schedule
Spelling Pretest – No spelling pretest this week
Bible: Chapter 14 Tuesday, December 6
Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story comprehension Friday, Dec. 2
Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, December 1
Spelling Word Test – Friday, December 2
Read and Comprehend Cold Reads – Friday, December 2
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests!
Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.
Weekly Focus November 28-December 2, 2022
Bible – Chapter 14 Samson Chooses Unwisely
Literature – Story – After School
English – Pronouns
Math – Chapter 4: 1-Digit Divisors
Science – Chapter 4 Ecological Succession