Bible verse: John 3:3
Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth. Unless you are born again, you cannot be in God’s kingdom.”
Spelling: Lesson 11
List 11:
- splinter
- squeak
- thrill
- scratch
- Christian
- splashed
- thread
- throat
- three
- Christmas
- strong
- sprinkle
- shrimp
- squall
- shrink
- struggle
- spray
- school
- special
- laugh
Test Schedule:
English: Chapter 5 (Thursday, November 12th)
Spelling: List 11 (Friday, November 13th)
Bible: Chapter 11 (Friday, November 13th)
Reading: The Printer (Friday, November 13th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished. Please keep track of the books read at home on the sheet located in the A.R. folder.
- Math- pg. 20 division in the homework folder
- Study guides- English study guide
(study guides are not always given on a Monday. Please check the TAKE HOME folder throughout the week)
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Born Again- road to salvation
- Reading- The Printer (skill- character traits)
- Math- Chapter 5 Division- practice dividing 0-5
- English- fragments, run-on sentences, new vocabulary
- Science- Chapter 4 Properties of Matter