Bible verse: Lesson 9 Proverbs 15:29
The Lord does not listen to the wicked. But he hears the prayers of those who do right.
List 9:
- kept
- clasp
- craft
- asks
- behind
- drifted
- risk
- interesting
- subtract
- gifts
- facts
- actor
- meant
- except
- speech
- skipper
- present
- understand
- toward
- finally
Test Schedule:
Science: Chapter 4 (Wednesday, October 20th)
Math: Chapter 3 (Thursday, October 21st)
Bible: Chapter 9 (Friday, October 22nd)
Reading: Food’s on the Table (Friday, October 22nd)
Spelling: List 9 (Friday, October 22nd)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- pages 75 and 76 will be torn out and placed in the homework folder on Monday. HOMEWORK IS DUE ON FRIDAY.
- Study guides-Study guides go home throughout the week usually a day or two before the actual test. Check the TAKE HOME folder for study guides.
Weekly Focus:
Bible– Chapter 9- The Lord’s Prayer, important vocabulary- prayer (talking with God), submission (a state of having yielded to authority)
Reading– We will read the story Food’s on the Table, skill- reading a drama (the setting of a story influences the plot) important vocabulary (pg. 50) in the reading workbook- dismayed, dreadful, frankly, mystified, outcome, siblings, stunned, and surveyed
Math– Chapter 3- subtracting with regrouping, subtracting across zeros, estimating differences, and problem-solving
Science– Chapter 4 Properties of matter, measuring matter, cycles of matter, states of matter, and mixtures
Social Studies- Chapter 3- Early communities, early explorers, The Louisiana Colony, skill-use a map grid. Important vocabulary- adapt, expedition, colony, barter
English– Chapter 4 introduce new classifications
prepositions, P (classification)
object of the preposition, OP (classification)
prepositional phrases () we use parentheses