Bible verse: Colossians 3:17
Everything you say and everything you do should all be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.
Spelling: Lesson 13 words with silent letters
List 13:
- whole
- kneel
- rack
- wrist
- whose
- knock
- wrench
- knotted
- wrecker
- slick
- wrong
- gnat
- whom
- sign
- writing
- knife
- checking
- unknown
- object
- directions
Test Schedule:
English: Chapter 6 (Wednesday, November 2nd)
Science: Chapter 7 (Thursday, November 3rd)
Bible: Chapter 13 (Friday, November 4th)
Reading: The Burning of the Rice Fields (Friday, November 4th)
Spelling: List 13 (Friday, November 4th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- pages 123-124 will be torn out and placed in the homework folder
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Giving thanks in many ways. Important vocabulary: mercy- kind treatment toward someone who deserves punishment, grace-something good given that is not earned
- Reading- The Burning of the Rice Fields new skill- character’s actions. Important vocabulary: (workbook page 80) (abundant, ancient, boldly, decisive, festive, generosity, panic, predicted)
- Math- Chapter 5 Division- division strategies (repeated subtraction, divide groups)
- English- Chapter 6
- 504 IN THE ENGLISH TEXTBOOK IS THE BEST RESOURCE FOR CLASSIFYING SENTENCES! New classification-HV (helping verb) new classification- COP (compound object of the preposition)
- Science- Chapter 7 Magnetism- magnetic objects (attract-means pull toward) (repel-means to push away) magnetic force, and magnetic fields