September 6-9, 2022
Chapter 5 Study Guide: Joseph Forgives
Bible Verse: Genesis 50:20 You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result – the survival of many people. CSB
- Joseph was honored more than any other men of his day because of his integrity, his honesty, his attitude in unjust situations, and his witness for God.
- Mercy means kindness or compassion toward others.
- Sovereignty means supreme authority.
- Believing in the sovereignty of God means believing that God has authority over all things.
- When believers understand the sovereignty of God, it helps them to forgive those who have been unkind to them. They understand that because they are believers, God works all things together for their good. Joseph believed this and practiced it throughout his life.
- Both Potiphar and Pharaoh saw evidence of great wisdom and the Spirit of God in Joseph’s life. As a result, they each promoted him to a position of leadership.
- Before Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers, he wanted to make sure their hearts had changed. He arranged for his brother to bring his younger brother, Benjamin, to Egypt, and for Benjamin to be taken as a slave. He hoped his brothers would not betray Benjamin as they had betrayed him so many years earlier. When they pleaded for Benjamin’s freedom and Judah offered himself in Benjamin’s stead, Joseph knew they had changed.
- God shows His children mercy and salvation through Jesus, even though they do not deserve it.
- People show mercy by being compassionate toward someone under their authority.
- Because God has mercy on believers, so should believers forgive others.
- The balm of Gilead in Joseph’s day was used for healing wounds in the body. Jesus is called the Balm of Gilead because He is the healer of the spirit.
- Christ is the best example of true healing and restoration because He forgives, gives abundant life, and makes a believer’s life a sweet aroma in example and witness.
- Reconcile means to mend or restore a relationship.
- Through mercy and forgiveness, Joseph reconciled his relationship with his brothers.
- Joseph’s life symbolizes the life of Christ so closely that he is thought of as a picture of Christ. There are many reasons for this, including that his birth was long awaited, he was betrayed by his own brethren, he was sold for the price of a slave, he was the beloved of his father, he saved his family and the surrounding nations, he forgave those who wronged him, and he brought healing and restoration to others.
Spelling Lesson – No definition test this week. No spelling pretest this week.
- unify 11. choosing
- dutiful 12. continued
- loosen 13. arid
- rescue 14. dunes
- pursuit 15. cactus
- bruised 16. deserts
- curfew 17. semiarid
- nephew 18. landscape
- included 19. evaporates
- perfume 20. durable
Test Schedule
Spelling: List 5 (Friday, September) Correct Spelling of Words
No Spelling Pretest this week!!!
Bible: Chapter 4 (Wednesday, September 7th) Study guide posted last week.
Bible test is scheduled for Wednesday this week due to the Labor Day Holiday.
Language – Chapter 1 Test Verbs Thursday, Sept. 8th Chapter Review will be used as a study guide and completed in class.
Read and Comprehend Cold Reads – Every Friday!
Reading Vocabulary and Comprehension Test (New Providence: A Changing City Scape) – Friday, September 10th (vocabulary – Reading notebook)
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests!
Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.
Weekly Focus September 6-9
Bible – Chapter 5 Joseph Forgives
Literature –New Providence A Changing City Scape
English – Unit 1: Verbs-Chapter test; Nouns at Work Chapter 2
Math – Chapter 2- estimation, adding/subtracting larger numbers