Test Thursday on Chapter 2B
Bible Verse Quiz Friday
Éste es mi mandamiento: Que se amen unos a otros, como yo los he amado.
Juan 15:12
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15:12
Week overview:
We will complete Chapter 2B – Tu sala de clases this week!
- Describe a classroom
- Indicate where things are located
- Talk about more than one object or person
- Understand cultural perspectives on school
Monday – Perspectivas del mundo hispano – Como es la escuela? (Page 116-117)
- Presentacion oral – page 117
- Page 82 Guided practice workbook
Tuesday – America Central (Page 118-119)
- Para pensar questions on page 118
- Video on Central America
- Review for test tomorrow
Wednesday – Review Day
- Review games for test tomorrow
- Opportunity to ask questions
Thursday – Test on Chapter 2B
- Test on 2B
- If time allotted continue video series – Buena Gente
Friday – Bible Verse Quiz
- Quiz
- Soft introduction on what’s to come in Capitulo 3 – La Comida