Quiz FRIDAY – The plurals of nouns and articles (Page 110-111)
Test next Thursday on Chapter 2B
Week overview:
Wrapping up Chapter 2B – Tu sala de clases
- Describe a classroom
- Indicate where things are located
- Talk about more than one object or person
- Understand cultural perspectives on school
Monday – Sub Work / Sick day
Make a list of 6 plural classroom objects and their articles in English, then translate the 6 objects into Spanish
o Eg. The books – los libros
Exercise 19 page 112
Guided practice pages 79-80
Core practice pages 45-46
Practice pronouncing –g words in yellow box on page 113
Exercise 20 page 112
Tuesday – Check all subwork
If time allotted: Practice and Communicate (Page 112-113)
The letter G
- Exercise 19 page 112
- Guided practice workbook pages 79-80
- Core practice pages 45-46
- Exercise 20 page 112
- Pronunciation practice box on page 113
Wednesday/Thursday – Lectura (Page 114-115)
- Comprendes activity page 115
- Guided practice workbook page 81
Friday – Quiz on plurals of nouns and their articles Perspectivas del mundo hispano – Como es la escuela? (Page 116-117)
- Check it out! – page 116
- Think about it! – page 116
- Presentacion oral – page 117