Monday – Enrichment (Buena Gente Series on YouTube)
Tuesday – Review Day
Wednesday – Exam Day
Thursday – Discussing bilingual benefits
Friday – No school
Exam will cover:
- Numbers 1-100
- Greetings
- Telling time
- Spanish alphabet
- Common classroom objects
- Proper names
- Masculine vs feminine
- Tu vs usted
- Date (Days of the week, months of the year)
- Classroom commands
- Body parts
- Ask and tell how someone is
- Saying good-bye phrases
- Common expressions/useful words
- Asking for help
Students were given back their previous tests and quizzes. These are good resources to use to study for the exam. They can also use quizlet to study. We will have an in class exam review Tuesday before the exam.
If extra help or tutoring is needed, please do not hesitate to email me. [email protected] 🙂