Week of November 14, 2022
Monday- Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Money Due
Wednesday- no chapel
Friday- Christian T-shirt or Thanksgiving shirt and jeans, Thanksgiving Chapel 1:30pm and Thanksgiving Party afterwards
Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.
Test Schedule
Tuesday, Nov. 15- Science Ch 7 Test
Thursday, Nov 17- English Ch 6 Test
Speed Drill
Friday, Nov 11- Spelling Test List 15
Bible Chapter 15 Test and memory verse
Reading Test: The Town That Moved and vocabulary
Math- worksheet, and continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.
Spelling- Study these words for test
- rejoice
- understood
- voice
- looked
- oily
- enjoyed
- coins
- hood
- crooked
- choice
- royal
- joining
- destroy
- spoiled
- brook
- pointed
- annoy
- loyal
- divided
- exercise
Bible- memorize Memory Verse- Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.”
Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school, new point goal has been set. This nine weeks, the AR grade is just based on reaching their point goal.
Study for upcoming tests:
Math Speed Drill- This week, students will have three minutes to solve 20 multiplication facts with factors of 6.
Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder
Reading- students use their Reading book to review the story and skill, and use reading workbook to study vocabulary
Science- Ch 7 Magnets; study Ch 7 vocabulary and chapter review page 111-112 in workbook, and student’s highlighted parts in the workbook
English- Ch 6, review chapter 6 check up in workbook page 71, vocab words- decent and exaggerate (know the definition, synonym, antonym) analogies, classifying sentences with compound subject nouns or subject pronouns, helping verbs, conjunctions, preposition and object of preposition, possessive pronoun adjective, adjective, adverb, natural and inverted word order. Labeling sentences as either F, S, SCS, SCV, CD. new CD- compound sentence. Correcting run-on sentences and editing paragraph.
English Textbook pg 504 is helpful for classifying sentences.
To help learn 23 helping verbs, you can find Shurley English Jingle 17 on youtube. We have been singing it in class.
Weekly Focus:
Bible-Forgiveness- how to forgive, applying forgiveness, vocabulary- repent, forgiveness
Reading- The Town That Moved, skill- recognize the setting is critical to the story, and study Vocabulary (daisy side of reading workbook pg 2): cyclones, transport, ambition, briefly, enable, harsh, primary, theory
Math- Ch 5: division, divide by 6, 7, 8, 9, chapter review, line graph
English- helping verbs, natural and inverted word order, conjunctions, compound sentences, run-on sentences, New classification- helping verb (HV) and compound object of preposition (COP), editing a paragraph, vocab- decent, exaggerate
Science- Chapter 7: Magnets, magnetic force, what makes a magnet, magnetic fields, earth-a giant magnet, vocabulary- magnet, magnetism, attract, magnetic pole, repel, electromagnet, magnetic field