Week of October 3

By September 30, 2022 Ms. Danielle Roberts

Week of October 3, 2022


Monday- Book Fair begins!

Wednesday- no chapel

Thursday- Christian T-Shirt Day

Friday-no school

Save the Date: our 1st field trip will be October 17, chaperones are welcomed, more info coming later

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Tuesday, Oct 4 – Math Ch 3 Test

Wednesday, Oct 5- English Ch 4 Test

Thursday, Sept. 29- Speed Drill

Spelling Test List 9

Bible Chapter 9 Test and memory verse

Reading: No test this week (we will still read the story and learn the vocabulary)


Math- no worksheet this week; study Chapter 3 Review for Ch 3 test on subtraction, begin practicing multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling- Study these words for test

  1. kept
  2. clasp
  3. craft
  4. asks
  5. behind
  6. drifted
  7. risk
  8. interesting
  9. subtract
  10. gifts
  11. facts
  12. actor
  13. meant
  14. except
  15. speech
  16. skipper
  17. present
  18. understand
  19. toward
  20. finally

Bible- memorize Memory Verse- Proverbs 15:29, The Lord does not listen to the wicked. But he hears the prayers of those who do right.

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school, AR points due this week.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math Speed Drill- This week, students will have three minutes to solve 20 missing part with subtraction facts to 18, such as 13- ____=8.

Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home or homework folder

Reading- students use their Reading book to review the story and skill, and use reading workbook to study vocabulary

Math: Ch 3: Subtraction, study Ch 3 Review pg 81-82, in their Take home folder

English- Ch 4 Prepositions, use Chapter 4 checkup 20, Classroom Practices 17, 18, 19 to review for test, also know vocab words- adjust and sealed (know definition, synonym and antonym), be able to use A/An correctly, subject/verb agreement, analogies, correct capitalization and punctuation

Study Guides: For most of the curriculum, the students will bring home a study guide in the take home folder throughout the week. After I finish teaching a chapter, we complete a study guide. They will be sent home only a day or two before the test.

Weekly Focus:

Bible- The Lord’s Prayer, what prayer is, praise and thanksgiving, God’s plan through prayer, vocabulary- prayer and submission

Reading- Across the Wide Dark Sea, literature textbook pages 163-177, skill- main idea (what is the story about) and recounting details, and study Vocabulary (in reading workbook pg 56): scarcely, vast, desperate, raging, miraculously, hauling, plucked, beams, settlement

Math- Chapter 3 test, begin Ch 4: multiplication strategies, multiply by 2, multiply by 3

English- Chapter 4: classifying sentences, prepositions and prepositional phrases, subject-verb agreement, using a/an correctly, vocabulary- adjust, sealed

Science- Chapter 5 Motion and Force: Motion, speed, forces, Newton’s Laws of Motion


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