Week of September 12, 2022
Wednesday- chapel- Grandparent’s Day and bake sale at lunch and Christian T-shirt Day
Thursday- Alfredo Lunch money due Tuesday
Friday- 3rd Grade Donuts with mom and dad (email with more info coming soon)
Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.
Test Schedule
Tuesday, Sept. 13- Science Ch 3 Vocab Quiz
Wednesday, Sept 14- Science Ch 3 Test
Thursday, Sept. 15- English Ch 3 Test
Speed Drill
Friday, Sept 16- Spelling Test List 6
Bible Chapter 6 Test and memory verse
Reading: Sybil Rides by Night, and Vocabulary
Homework is assigned on Monday in the Homework Folder, and due on Friday in the homework folder. Math Homework will be graded. Late homework will not be taken.
Math- worksheet
Spelling- Study these words for test
- stilts
- yellow
- address
- hundred
- they
- eighty
- safety
- mistake
- because
- eager
- receive
- deceive
- icy
- favorite
- snowy
- beyond
- tired
- pliers
- bicycle
- very
Bible- memorize Memory Verse- Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in heaven.”
Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.
Study for upcoming tests:
Math Speed Drill- This week, the speed drill will be to fill in the missing addend with addition facts up to 18. They will have 3 minutes to solve 15 problems like 8+___=15
Science- Chapter 3 Plant Variety, study Ch 3 Vocabulary and chapter review page will be sent home in Take Home Folder, and may use workbook to review
English- For the Ch 3 Test, students need to know the 4 kinds of sentences; the definition, antonym, synonym, and use in a sentence for the vocab words- amused, serious. Also, students need to know classifying sentences, word analogies; singular/ plural nouns, common/ proper nouns, simple subject and simple predicate; 4 parts of speech; topics and paragraphs, supporting and non supporting ideas or sentences, capitalization and punctuation. Also, Chapter 3 Check Up 15 and Classroom Practice 14 in their workbook will be good pages to review for the test.
Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home or homework folder
Reading- students use their Reading book to review the story and skill, and use reading workbook to study vocabulary
Study Guides: For most of the curriculum, the students will bring home a study guide in the take home folder throughout the week. After I finish teaching a chapter, we complete a study guide. They will be sent home only a day or two before the test.
Weekly Focus:
Bible-The Beatitudes (read Matthew 5:3-10), the Beatitudes- defined and living the Beatitudes, Being Salt and Light
Reading- Sybil Rides by Night, literature textbook pages 120-130; skill- conflict (the struggle in the story that must be resolved, internal or external), and study Vocabulary (in reading workbook pg 38): coaxed, independence, strained, volunteered, alerted, route, halted, liberty
Math- Chapter 3- Subtraction facts to 18, subtraction strategies, fact families, subtract without regrouping
English- Chapter 3: classifying sentences, word analogies; singular/ plural nouns, common/ proper nouns; topics and paragraphs, supporting and non supporting ideas or sentences, revising sentences; vocabulary- serious, amused; and writing a 3-point paragraph on an assigned topic
Science- Chapter 3 Plant Variety: different types of roots, stems, leaves and flowers, simple plants, science classification; Ch.3 vocabulary- root, stem, phloem tissue, xylem tissue, bulb, tuber, spore, simple plant, classify, scientific classification, pollinator, pollination (vocabulary list will be in their take home folder)