January 9-13, 2023
Study Guide
Bible Lesson 17: Christmas
Memory Verse: Luke 4:18-19 18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. CSB
- The first mention of the gospel message of salvation is found in Genesis 3:15.
- God personally announced the first prophecy.
- Fulfilled prophecy is extremely important because it proves the bible is true, God is real and Jesus is the Christ.
- Fulfilled prophecy also reveals God’s omnipotence–His quality of being all-powerful.
- There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament related to Christ’s first coming.
- The Christmas season is a perfect time to consider the overwhelming evidence of proof for Christ the Messiah, who came to restore people back to a personal relationship with God.
- God said the task for the Servant-Messiah, to redeem the Jews alone would be too small.
- The Messiah would be the Light to the Gentiles and the Jews.
- The gospel message is for everyone.
- In the temple city of Jerusalem, Simeon held the Christ Child, praising God that he could see the Messiah as it had been promised to him
- The apostle Paul testified that what he was saying about Jesus Christ was exactly what the prophets and Moses had already said would happen.
- A covenant is an agreement between two individuals or groups.
- There were many differences between the Mosaic covenant and the new covenant: the new covenant would never be broken; God’s laws would be placed into the minds and hearts of His followers, rather than on tablets of stone; all partners would know God personally and have their sins forgiven forever; the coming Messiah would be the new, eternal covenant.
- Jesus described the new covenant as a new covenant in His blood, which was shed for all.
- Hebrews 8:13 describes the first covenant as obsolete, growing old, aging, and will soon disappear.
- The birth of Christ took place about 700 years after Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah.
- The Messiah came about 400 years after Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, was written.
- In the synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus read the passage Isaiah 61:1-2a, fulfilling prophecy.
- Christ was anointed to preach and proclaim liberty and freedom to the captives.
Spelling Lesson 18
fraction – a broken part or a piece of something; a fragment
infraction – a break in a rule or law; a violation
transporting – carrying across a distance
envision – to see in one’s mind
invisible – not able to be seen
proclamation – the state of announcing something; announcement
corrupting – continually breaking away from what is good; ruining; damaging
disruption – the state of breaking something apart or interrupting; an interruption
submarine – undersea vessel
circumscribe – to draw a line around
describe – to give a thorough account
intention – a purpose or plan held in mind
contraction – a drawing out or pulling together; reduction in size; tightening
secede – to formally withdraw from an organization
extraction – the process of drawing something out of another thing; removal
vow – a solemn promise or pledge
psalm – a poem of praise to God that is said or sung
Messiah – the expected King or Deliverer of the Hebrews
providence – God’s divine guidance, care, or provision
encourage – to cause to feel courage, good attitude, or hope
Test Schedule January 9-13, 2023
Spelling Pretest – No spelling pretest this week
Bible: Chapter 16 (Samuel Listens to God) Test – Tuesday, January 10
Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story comprehension Friday, Jan. 13
Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, January 12
Spelling Word Test – Friday, January 13
Read and Comprehend Cold Reads – Friday, January 13
Social Studies Test – Thursday, January 12 Study guide is posted.
Language Test – Adjectives – Friday, Study pages 85-91 language book
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework. (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests!
Read AR book for 20 minutes each night.
Weekly Focus January 9-13, 2023
Bible – Chapter 17 – Christmas
Literature – Hattie’s Birthday Box
English – Adjectives/Adverbs
Math – Chapter 5 2-Digit Divisors
Social Studies – Maps