Bible verse Lesson 30 Hebrews 10:36
You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what he has promised.
Spelling Lesson 30
List: 30 Review List
- icicle
- cities
- ascend
- modern
- angle
- judge
- badge
- gasoline
- aglow
- preschool
- unthinkable
- rewrote
- gliding
- happier
- stopped
- tinier
- lazily
- careless
- forgetful
- soldiers
Test Schedule:
Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 16-18 (Tuesday, April 26th)
Science: Chapter 12 (Tuesday, April 26th)
Bible: Chapter 30 (Friday, April 29th)
Spelling: List 30 (Friday, April 29th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
Math- division practice page 34
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Chapter 30 Paul’s First Two Missionary Journeys
Important vocabulary: journey-one place to another, persevere- to continue a task even when it is difficult.
- Reading- Charlotte’s Web– chapters 19-22
- English- Chapter 11 Mixed sentence patterns, introducing quotation marks
- Math- Chapter 9 Measurement (length, distance, capacity, volume)
- Science- Chapter 13
- Social Studies- Chapter 9 Making a Living in Louisiana
Important vocabulary: producers, demand, opportunity cost, scarcity