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April 25th-29th

By April 22, 2022April 25th, 2022Uncategorized, Mrs. Aimee Kidder

Bible verse   Lesson 30                  Hebrews 10:36

You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what he has promised.


Spelling Lesson 30

List: 30 Review List

  1. icicle
  2. cities
  3. ascend
  4. modern
  5. angle
  6. judge
  7. badge
  8. gasoline
  9. aglow
  10. preschool
  11. unthinkable
  12. rewrote
  13. gliding
  14. happier
  15. stopped
  16. tinier
  17. lazily
  18. careless
  19. forgetful
  20. soldiers


Test Schedule:

Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 16-18 (Tuesday, April 26th)

Science: Chapter 12 (Tuesday, April 26th)


Bible: Chapter 30 (Friday, April 29th)

Spelling: List 30 (Friday, April 29th)


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN) 

Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- division practice page 34


Weekly Focus:

  1. Bible- Chapter 30 Paul’s First Two Missionary Journeys

Important vocabulary: journey-one place to another, persevere- to continue a task even when it is difficult.

  1. Reading- Charlotte’s Web– chapters 19-22
  2. English- Chapter 11 Mixed sentence patterns, introducing quotation marks
  3. Math- Chapter 9 Measurement (length, distance, capacity, volume)
  4. Science- Chapter 13
  5. Social Studies- Chapter 9 Making a Living in Louisiana

Important vocabulary: producers, demand, opportunity cost, scarcity







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