Bible verse: Luke 2:40 (memorize)
The little child began to grow up. He became stronger and wiser, and God’s blessings were with him.
List 2:
- eighty
- playing
- acorn
- they
- safety
- mistake
- lady
- explain
- neighbor
- delay
- break
- skateboard
- afraid
- maybe
- forgave
- training
- steak
- weigh
- months
- because
Test Schedule:
Science- vocabulary quiz** (Tuesday, August 16th)
Science- Chapter 1 (Wednesday, August 17th)
English- Chapter 1 (Wednesday, August 17th)
Bible- Chapter 2 (Friday, August 19th)
Reading- The Story of the White Sombrero (Friday, August 19th)
Spelling- List 2 (Friday, August 19th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (math homework will be graded) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 15 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- pgs. 9 and 10 from the book (In homework folder)
- Study Guides- All study guides will be placed in the Take Home folder.
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Jesus’ Birth and Childhood
- Reading- vocabulary on workbook page 8 skill- plot- events that happen in the story; study pages (pg. 18 reading book-What is Plot?)
- Math- Place value- ordinal numbers, rounding, hundreds, thousands, comparing numbers, making a graph
- Science- Chapter 1 Ecosystems: food chain, predators, prey, and animal survival
- English- finish Chapter 1- capitalization and punctuation, synonyms and antonyms, word analogies. 1 vocabulary-encourage, soothe (on the vocabulary sheet in the Take Home folder)