**Raising Canes- the form is due by Monday, August 23rd. The form was sent by email through Student Services.**
Bible verse: Matthew 3:17
And a voice spoke from heaven. The voice said, “This is my Son and I love him. I am very pleased with him.”
List 3:
- street
- easy
- queen
- leaf
- between
- breeze
- jeans
- speed
- deceive
- eager
- steep
- beat
- receive
- cleaned
- please
- reach
- mean
- really
- said
- says
Test Schedule:
Social Studies- Chapter 1 (open book) (Monday, August 23rd)
Math- Chapter 1 (Wednesday, August 25th)
English- Chapter 1 (Thursday, August 26th)
Bible- Chapter 3 (Friday, August 27th)
Reading- A Cane in Her Hand (Friday, August 27th)
Spelling- List 3 (Friday, August 27th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 15minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- math book pg.16 will be torn out and placed in the HOMEWORK FOLDER ON MONDAY.
- Study guides- A study guide will come home in the TAKE HOME folder throughout the week. We complete a study guide after I finish teaching a chapter. They will be sent home only a day or two before the actual test. IT IS MEANT TO BE A GUIDE. IT IS NOT TEST QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE!
Weekly Focus:
Bible- Chapter 3- Jesus Prepares for Ministry, vocabulary- ministry and temptation. We will learn about the Baptism of Jesus, the temptation of Jesus, sword of the spirit, and preparation of ministry.
Reading- Our story this week is A Cane in Her Hand. Skill- What are Characters? We will continue our discussion of story elements. Vocabulary for this story is: vision, stumble, physician, active, avoid, obstacles, gradually, and enable.
Math- We will finish Chapter 1- place value, compare thousands place, learn to read a graph, review place value.
Science- Chapter 2 Life of Plants, we will learn about a botanist, parts of a plant, the way a plant makes food, parts of a flower, and the plant life cycle.
English- We will finish Chapter 1- learning to use capitalization and punctuation references in our English book. *Please know for the test*-we will learn the difference between a synonym and an antonym.