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January 2-6

By December 16, 2022Mrs. Aimee Kidder

Bible verse: John 2:11

So in Cana of Galilee, Jesus did his first miracle. There he showed his glory, and his followers believed in him.


Spelling Lesson 18: (Review List)

List: 18

  1. sign
  2. gnat
  3. whole
  4. directions
  5. fifth
  6. which
  7. children
  8. sandwich
  9. divided
  10. oily
  11. choice
  12. rejoice
  13. however
  14. surround
  15. outstanding
  16. probably
  17. also
  18. caught
  19. yawned
  20. awesome


Test Schedule:

Bible: Chapter 18 (Friday, January 6th)

Reading: Bear Mouse (Friday, January 6th)

Spelling: List 18 (Friday, January 6th)



Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

  • Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
  • Math- 181-182 (Torn out of the book and placed in the homework folder)


Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Jesus’ First Miracle Important vocabulary: miracle- an act of God that is impossible by human or natural causes. Faith- a strong belief or trust in someone or something.
  • Reading- Bear Mouse new skill- the setting is crucial in driving this piece to its conclusion. Important vocabulary (workbook page26) (telltale, intent, skimmed, talons, hibernation, burrowed, darted, dodge)
  • English- Chapter 9 sentence pattern 2: SN V-T DO P2, changing mixed tenses in a paragraph. Important vocabulary: defend, mystery
  • Math- Chapter 7 Long division- review division strategies, dividing with and without remainders.
  • Science- Chapter 10 The Solar System





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