Bible verse: Lesson 16 1 Corinthians 4:2
A person who is trusted with something must show that he is worthy of that trust.
Spelling: Lesson 16
List 16:
- towels
- browse
- surround
- cloudy
- sounded
- count
- louder
- crowd
- power
- frown
- pounds
- downtown
- playground
- drown
- outstanding
- outdoors
- household
- however
- different
- probably
Test Schedule:
Bible: Chapter 16 (Friday, January 7th)
Spelling: List 16 (Friday, January 7th)
Reading: Patrick and the Great Molasses Explosion (Friday, January 7th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- pages 161-162 from the textbook (check the homework folder)
Weekly Focus:
- Bible– Stewardship Builds God’s Kingdom
Vocabulary: stewardship- the careful and responsible management of possessions, abilities, and time.
Faithful- consistently loyal and trustworthy
- Reading– Patrick and the Great Molasses Explosion- skill: understanding and recognizing historical fiction
Vocabulary (pg. 20 in the workbook) molasses, craving, clattered, cobblestones, enormous, rivets, rumbling, chaos
- Math– Chapter 6 Multi-Digit Multiplication
- English– Chapter 6 Coordinate conjunctions, compound sentences
- Social Studies- Chapter 5 Louisiana Becomes a State
Vocabulary: territory, legislature, industry, cash crop