Bible verse: 1 John 4:21
And God gave us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
Spelling: Lesson 10
List 10:
- halftime
- silky
- helper
- lamb
- crumb
- yourself
- calf
- Psalms
- gulped
- fields
- building
- cornstalk
- melted
- world
- built
- climber
- palm
- calmed
- nothing
- machine
Test Schedule:
Spelling: List 10 (Friday, October 14th)
Bible: Chapter 10 (Friday, October 14th)
Reading: The Printer (Friday, October 14th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- page 90 will be torn out and placed in the HOMEWORK FOLDER ON MONDAY.
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Love everyone, selfless love, and the fruit of love Important Vocabulary: motive- a reason for doing something, selfless- having concern for others, not for oneself
- Reading- We will read The Printer skill- describing character traits
Important Vocabulary: (workbook page 62) (exchanged, fled, engulfed, spewing, numb, images, shuddered, midst)
- Math- Chapter 4- Multiplication-strategies (repeated addition, equal groups, and making an array) multiplying by 2, 3, and 4. Continue to learn and memorize basic multiplication facts!
- English- Chapter 5 new skill- types of sentences (simple sentence, fragment, compound subject, and compound verb)
Important Vocabulary: trail (page 132 in the textbook); career (page 136 in the textbook) Third graders have a sheet of all the English vocabulary words, it is supposed to be in the Take Home folder!
- Science- Chapter 5 Motion and Force