Bible verse: Lesson 12 Luke 8:15
And what is the seed that fell on the good ground? That is like those who hear God’s teaching with a good, honest heart. They obey God’s teaching and patiently produce good fruit.
Spelling: Lesson 12
List 12: Review List
- coach
- follow
- tomorrow
- pumpkin
- minutes
- usual
- choose
- truthful
- clasp
- except
- subtract
- finally
- lamb
- gulped
- Psalms
- climber
- halftime
- yourself
- Christian
- Christmas
Test Schedule:
Math: Chapter 4 (Tuesday, October 25th)
Science: Chapter 6 (Thursday, October 27th)
Spelling: List 12 (Friday, October 28th)
Bible: Chapter 12 (Friday, October 28th)
Reading: A Day When Frogs Wear Shoes (Friday, October 28th)
Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)
- Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
- Math- STUDY MULTIPLICATION MATH FACTS, study the concepts and vocabulary on the study guide
Weekly Focus:
- Bible- Responding to the Gospel, Sowing Seeds, Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-8)
Important Vocabulary: sow-to plant seeds for growth, reap- to gather a crop, Gospel- the good news of who Jesus is and what He did for people.
- Reading- A Day When Frogs Wear Shoes new skill-making connections
Important Vocabulary: (workbook page 74) (clammy, arctic, doze, punctured, explored, scalding, pastime, locate)
- Math- Chapter 4- Multiplication
- English- Writing an three-point paragraph- prewriting, rough draft, and final draft
- Science- Chapter 6 Electricity- static electricity, electric current, types of circuits, electricity in homes, and electricity safety