Test – Thursday
- Greetings, closings, numbers 0-100, classroom commands, informal vs. formal, titles of people, short introduction dialogues
Bible verse quiz – Friday
Éste es mi mandamiento: Que se amen unos a otros, como yo los he amado.
Juan 15:12
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15:12
- Greet people at different times of the day
- Introduce yourself to others
- Respond to classroom directions
- Using numbers 0-100
- Tell time
- Identify parts of the body
I have decided to implement learning about a different Spanish-speaking country each Friday. Last week we learned about Spain. This week we will learn about Mexico.
Week Overview:
Monday – Introduction to telling time: Que hora es?
- Page 7 – exercise 10
- Page 8 – exercise 11-12
- Page 4 – worksheet
Tuesday – Continue lesson on telling time
- Speaking practice using different times of the day
- 15 after, 30 after, 45 after, on the hour
- Video on telling time
Wednesday – Review Day
- Students will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have before the test
- Students can ask me to expand on a theme they may have trouble with
- See announcements for a list of what the test will cover
- We will play review games
- If tutoring is needed, please email me to schedule a time before or after school [email protected]
Thursday – Test 1
Friday – Bible verse quiz (see announcements for verse)
Mexico Day
- We will learn about Mexico’s culture including their famous landmarks, food, people, etc.