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Got Game is Thursday!

Easter party and Easter chapel are Friday!


Bible verse:  1 Chronicles 16:24

Tell the nations about the Lord’s glory. Tell all peoples about his wonderful works.



Spelling List: 28

List: 28

  1. grabbing
  2. hopping
  3. biggest
  4. gliding
  5. happiest
  6. hoping
  7. largest
  8. stopping
  9. tiniest
  10. bigger
  11. glided
  12. grabbed
  13. happier
  14. hoped
  15. hopped
  16. larger
  17. stopped
  18. tinier
  19. underneath
  20. great


Test Schedule: 


Social Studies: Chapter 8 (Tuesday, April 5th)


Math: Chapter 8 (Wednesday, April 6th)

English: Chapter 10 (Wednesday, April 6th)


Spelling: No test: classwork grade

Reading: No test:  classwork grade

Bible: No test: classwork grade


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 20 minutes each night.  Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.

Math- study multiplication facts. Focus on 6 and 7.  Please use IPAD, flashcards, computer, etc.



Weekly Focus: 

  1. Bible: Chapter 28 Saul is Transformed
  2. English: Chapter 10- new sentence pattern 3 (SN V-t IO DO P3) new skill- making nouns plural
  3. Math: Chapter 8 Geometry
  4. Reading: Charlotte’s Web chapters 13-15
  5. Social Studies: Chapter 8 Government



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